Hollosi Information eXchange /HIX/
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Új cikk beküldése (a cikk tartalma az író felelőssége)
Megrendelés Lemondás
1 L = pi * D (was Re: TRANSILVANIA...) (mind)  18 sor     (cikkei)
2 The Politics of Spring (mind)  239 sor     (cikkei)
3 Hungarian newspaper on net \ Magyar ujsag a Net-on (mind)  5 sor     (cikkei)
4 "Ha Igazan Szeretsz Akkor..." (mind)  40 sor     (cikkei)
5 Re: L = pi * D (was Re: TRANSILVANIA...) (mind)  20 sor     (cikkei)
6 Re: Brigi is so cute (mind)  71 sor     (cikkei)
7 World Dog Show in Budapest June 6,7,8&9 (mind)  15 sor     (cikkei)
8 Re: Cluj - ethnic composition (mind)  15 sor     (cikkei)
9 Re: Cluj/Clusenberg/Kolozsvár (was:Re: Transilvania wa (mind)  17 sor     (cikkei)
10 Re: Hungarian newspaper on net \ Magyar ujsag a Net-on (mind)  10 sor     (cikkei)
11 A Tavasz Pulikutya ja (Tavasszal ne politizaljunk) (mind)  22 sor     (cikkei)
12 Re: contracts law-- slovak style (mind)  15 sor     (cikkei)
13 Re: Brigi is so cute (mind)  48 sor     (cikkei)
14 Re: Transilvania was,is and would be romanian province (mind)  65 sor     (cikkei)
15 East European Folk Music & Dances - 5/26/96 8:00PM (mind)  21 sor     (cikkei)
16 Folk Dance & Folk Music (Hungarian) - Okros Ensemble It (mind)  37 sor     (cikkei)
17 The Polips and Ticks of Spring (mind)  138 sor     (cikkei)
18 Re: Transilvania was,is and would be romanian province (mind)  38 sor     (cikkei)
19 Help with Hungarian coffee culture (mind)  22 sor     (cikkei)
20 Asszonyok az osszefogasert - alairasok (mind)  16 sor     (cikkei)
21 Re: The Politics of Spring (mind)  15 sor     (cikkei)
22 Re: Official Name (was: Re: Transilvania was, is and wo (mind)  47 sor     (cikkei)
23 The Unmistakable Poetry of Bret Harte, for our pseudo-p (mind)  6 sor     (cikkei)
24 Re: Hungarian newspaper on net \ Magyar ujsag a Net-on (mind)  10 sor     (cikkei)
25 Re: Students for the Rom (mind)  33 sor     (cikkei)
26 kerdesek az elitrol (mind)  35 sor     (cikkei)

+ - L = pi * D (was Re: TRANSILVANIA...) (mind) VÁLASZ  Feladó: (cikkei)

In article >, Gyorgy Kovacs wrote: 

>In article >, loomis  > wrote:
>>Gyorgy Kovacs wrote:
>>> Nobody ever wrote about dismembering Rumania. This whole thread is about
>>> Erde'ly.(???)
>          ^^^^^He', ez nem to"lem van, e'n nem ke'rdezdem hanem mondtam!
>Este mikor be vagy ru'gva akkor lehet, de reggel jo'zanul ma'r nem annyira.
>:-)   ;->

hacn edeber alad're maha'la...

L = pi * D...
+ - The Politics of Spring (mind) VÁLASZ  Feladó: (cikkei)

Brigitta Bali's translation of the original has never been submitted for
publication. We hereby challenge Gyorgy Kovacs to submit his satirical
take-off (imitation is flattery) of Brigitta's translation for publication
in any literary/arts/satirical/mainstream journal. Brigitta will submit her
translation for the judgement of her peers. We will see what the results
will be on a future date. 

The following is a section taken from Brigitta's most recent double volume
of poetry and prose published in Budapest:

1948-ban szulettem Budapesten. Az ELTE Jogi Karan szereztem diplomat 1973-
ban, kesobb a bolcseszkaron elvegeztem a magyar-filozofia szakot is. A
jogaszkodassal hamar felhagytam; a gyakorlat altal kompromittalt elmelet
mindig jobban vonzott az elmelet altal szentesitett gyakorlatnal. Kanadaba
telepulesemig utolso munkahelyem az Orszagos Szechenyi Konyvtar
kutatasszervezesi csoportja volt: kulfoldi folyoiratokbol adatokat
gyujtottem a Hungarika Informacio reszere. 1975-ben jelent meg Vasott
varazslat cimu verseskotetem a Magveto Kiadonal. E mostani kotet verseinek
tobbseget kozoltek mar kulonbozo hazai es kulfoldi folyoiratok (Forras,
Jelenkor, Vigilia, Uj Forras, Eletunk, Tiszataj, ES, Magyar Muhely,
Irodalmi Ujsag, Uj Latohatar, Szivarvany, Arkanum). Ket versem angolul
jelent meg a nemzetkozi RAMPIKE muveszeti magazinban ferjem, Wally Keeler
kolto forditasaban. Az Alom-elen cimu szoveggyujtemenyem cimlapjat is o
tervezte. A Magyar Muhely kalocsai Schoffer-szeminariuman ismerkedtunk meg
1985 nyaran. Kisfiunkkal Torontoban elunk. Szenvedelyes makacssagomat es
iraskeszsegemet anyamtol orokoltem, apam az onallo itelatalkotas
batorsaganak peldajat adta, es hitet abban, hogy szabadnak szuletunk. Nekik
ajanlom ezt a konyvet.

                   -- ALOM-ELEN, BALI BRIGITTA
                      SZEPIRODALMI KONYVKIADO BUDAPEST, 1991

And this is the original:

The Peoples Republic of Poetry was inspired during a short-lived love
affair with a dipoemat's beautiful daughter.

  Delina, may your cheeks be trilliums and sanctioned by the
  Provincial Government of Poetry. Where you touch me a wound
  bursts forth like a spring blossom. My body is a filing cabinet
  of fanatic nerves. My eyes martyr themselves on your cheeks. My
  hands are the heretics of distance. My arms are the legislation
  of love. You are the rose I am a thorn on. I am a peasant in the
  dynasty of your eyes. You are a guest in my wilderness of love.
  What if I wrote -- "You and I", as simple as that, for what is
  more perfect than that which is truly simple.

It was a spring affair.

  In spring the snow disperses like a mob of resentful rioters. In
  the fields there are wounds in the snow where grass bleeds green,
  where grass is an opening eye. In spring the snow goes a.w.o.l.
  In spring the sun leads a successful guerilla movement or coup
  d'etat. In spring there is an insurrection of grass and love. All
  winter our flesh was ignorant of the sedition of sunlight. No one
  ever votes spring into power. Is spring a totalitarian
  imperialist? Are robins infiltrated foreign agents sabotaging
  snowmobile trails, encouraging Green Power? Spring is a tolerant
  state because it permits equal opportunity to all colours.
  Winter is a one-colour regime. Perhaps we all love spring because
  it allows civil rights to the tulips, to the lilacs, to the
  exuberant blossoms committing a joyful suicide leap into fallen
  blossoms. The sun is prosecutor and executioner of snow. The sun
  casts an unanimous verdict and ignores all appeals. April
  showers are the mourner's tears after winter has been hung from
  the gallows of warmth. Summer is the sun's gift of appeasement
  for the questionable use of coercive force to eliminate snow.
  (The government recessed to attend a coroner's inquest involving
  the sunlight-poisoning of winter). Fall is a word that speaks for

The affair's ultimate romantic gesture was an embrace on the broken line of
a major highway. A moment's kiss diverted traffic and attracted attention.
They were a foreign substance unaccounted for on the flowcharts of traffic
planners. They were the TILT of pinball machines. They were loopholes in
reality. They were ambassadors from Poetry but they weren't very
dipoematic. They fit into the puzzle of silence like a calamity -- a
three-car pile-up in the Dead Sea. They were the bend-fold-spindle-mutilate
of systems progress. They were disciples of their urges. This was state of
the affair which became the affairs of state of mind in the ImagiNation of
the Peoples Republic of Poetry.

  If a poet were the premier of something, what might that
  something be? Would it be a nation of obedient poetry lovers?
  Would the national militia consist of mighty tulips armed with
  colour and sunshine? Would the national anthem be a long joyful
  sigh after love? Would the Union of Pollen Producers go on strike
  demanding higher rates of sunlight and more elaborate fringe
  benefits such as lighter showers and heavier dew? Would this
  cause an image-national crisis? Would the Creative Intelligence
  Agency report that the Insect Pollen Transportation Organization
  had been infiltrated by dissident outside agitators such as
  breezes? Then what would our foreign policy be? Would we accept
  only immigrants carrying passport dreams? Then what about the
  refugees from Grief and defectors from Despair? Would we send out
  ambassadors to collect the neglected? Would we establish
  dipoematic relations with pain, negotiate for a ceasefire and
  settle for shorter durations? Would we pick and choose our
  enemies (Banality Mediocrity) at the drop of a poem and come
  charging, singing the Battle Hymn of the Poetic?


On Thu May 23/96  (Gyorgy Kovacs) wrote
the following crap:

A Tavasz Pulikutya'ja  
A Pszeudopoe'zis Kira'lysa'ga't egy nagyko:vet sze'p de buta la'ny'val
valo' ka'ra'sze'letu" szexua'lis kapcsolat ihlette.

Dolina, u'gy tu"nik, hogy a pofika'dat televira'gozta a Pszeudopoe'zis 
Korma'nybiztosa (ilyen hu:lye egy Sztrovacsek ez). Ahol csak hozza'm
nyu'lsz kiver a pattana's meg a libabo"r. Csupa ideg vagyok, agyilag zokni.
Be van dagadva a szemem. Kezeim alig la'tom, olyan messze szinlenek (a
rumto'l lehet). Karjaim valo'szinu"leg ko:ztem e's a kezem ko:zo:tt vannak,
de ki figyel oda. E'n vagyok a ro'zsa amin te leve'ltetu". Sza'lka vagyok a
szemedben, to:visnek a'lca'zva. E's ra'ada'sul me'g mindig nem unom a
szexet. Ha majd kijo'zanodok akkor tala'n u'gy irom hogy mi ketten, de az
me'g messze van.

Ez egy iszonyatos tavasz volt.

Tavasszal a ho' elmegy a francba mint a megriasztott la'tszatko:lto"k. A
mezo"n sebesen folyik a ho'le', a fu" meg olyan zo:ld hogy csak na.
Tavasszal a ho' elhu'z a sunyiba, vagy ahogy Nyiregyha'za'n mondana'k:
eltirpa'kol. Tavasszal a Nap a Fo"no:k. Tavasszal itt egy fu"sza'll, ott
egy fa sza'll. Ege'sz te'len azt se tudtuk, hogy a Nap jo:n vagy megy. A
Tavasznak nem kell ne'pszavaza's hogy bejusson a Parlamentbe. Vajon a
Tavasz egy ex kommunista uj szocialista koalicio nyilas multtal a Zo:ld
Pa'rt jelve'nye'vel? Egy fittyfene't. A Nap mindenkire su:t aki nincs az
a'rnye'kban. Te'len nem lehet tiltakoza'ske'ppen a fu"be pisilni. Vagy
me'gis? A tavaszban az a jo', hogy sok a vira'g. (Mi a fene jo' benne?
Ugyis elhervad! Vagy kisza'rad az asza'ly miatt.) Lehet, hogy az a'prilisi
eso" a havat siratja, e'n csak a siele'st sajna'lom. De legala'bb su:t a
Nap, meg latyak van. Na most nyomozhatna'nk hogy hol a fene'ben van a 
ho' amikor nincs itt, de u'gyse mondom meg. Me'g o"sszel sem.

Sokra nem emle'kszem, de tudom hogy mego:leltelek a melle'kutca'ban. Cso'k
is lehetett, de arra ma'r nem figyeltem. Valakinek saccolni is kell, vagy
belesni a lyukon. A pszeudopoe'ta'k nem e'rtenek az emberi kapcsolatokhoz.
Olyan messze vannak a ko:lte'szetto"l mint elemi csapa's a szu:lete'snapi
bulito'l. Selejtes agyu' go:rbetoja'sok. Nem tudnak ellena'lni a
kise'rte'snek, hogy marhasa'gokat irjanak. Ez ment az agyukra a Ko:lte'szet
Ko:zta'rsasa'ga'ro'l valo' reme'nytelen a'lmodoza's ko:zben.

Ha egy ko:lto" valaminek a miniszterelno:ke volna, mi lehetne az a valami?
Hagy ne mondjam meg.  Lehetne vajon az engedelmes ko:lte'szetkedvelo"k
nemzete? Lo'fu:tty. Esetleg lehet egy armada kardvira'ggal, de nem to:bb.
Lehetne a nemzeti himnusz egy szeretkeze's uta'ni hosszu' gyo:nyo:rteli
so'haj? Akkor tala'n to:bbszo:r hallgatna'nk. Vagy sze'nana'tha't kapna'nk
a sok pollento"l. Este eso" lesz, reggel meg harmat. (Hogy ez hogy a
francba keru:lt ide?) Na most beko:pi a Belu:gy a Polleneseket vagy csak
szellent ra'juk. Hu:lye mindenki lehet, de a pszeudopoe'zishez u'tleve'l is
kell. De kinek? Aki nincs bent, az kint marad. Kint a ba'ra'ny bent a
nagyko". Vet. Ez ma'r olyan fa'jdalmas, hogy a szu:net alatt ra' kell
tu:zelni. Van valakine'l tarto's tej? Nyugi. U'gy is e'n do:nto:m el, hogy
kibe ko:to:k bele. Hukk! Hoppa', vigya'zz Sztrovacsek, ne olvass annyi
Rejto" ko:nyvet. Ki ke'ne rohanni a budira, de himba'lo'zik a parketta.
Ko:lto"ise'g ide, ko:lto"ise'g oda, oda ....  oda ....
        o......    zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz.
A fene'be, a pulikutya'ro'l meg elfeledkeztem. KGy


In soc.culture.magyar #23045 ) Brigitta Bali wrote the
following bit of lyrical proem:
A Tavasz Politikaja
A Kolteszet Koztarsasagat egy dipoemata gyonyoru lanyaval folytatott
kereszeletu szerelmi viszony sugallta.

Delina, talan a te orcaid feherszirmu liliomok, a Kolteszet Helytartosaga
altal szentesitve. Erintesed helyen sebek pattannak ki rajtam, mint a
tavaszi rugyek. Testem rajongo idegek irattora. Szemeim orcoid vertanui.
Kezeim a tavolsag eretnekei. Karjaim a szerelem tovenyhozasa. Te vagy a
rozsa, amin en tovis. Paraszt vagyok szemeid uralkodohazaban. Vendege vagy
szerelmi vadonomnak. Irhatnam inkabb -- te es en, ilyen egyszeruen, hiszen
mi lehet tokeletesebb az igazan egyszerunel?

Ez egy tavaszi viszony volt.

Tavasszal a ho feloszlik, mint bosszus lazadok csocseleke. A mezon sebek
vannak a hoban, ahol a fu zolden verzik, ahol a fu nyiladozo szem.
Tavasszal a ho eltakarodik, v.o.:eng.nelk. tavozik. Tavasszal a Nap egy
sikeres gerillaharc vagy allamcsiny vezire. Tavasszal ujjaszuletik fu es
szerelem. Egesz telen at a husunk nem volt tudataban a napfeny
zendulesenek. Soha nem szavazza senki hatalomra a tavaszt. Vajon a tavasz
egy totalitarianus imperialista? A vorosbegyek pedig beszivargo idegen
elemek, akik szabotaljak a hokotrok csapasait es batoritjak a Zold
Hatalmat? A tavasz elnezo allam, mert valamennyi szinnek egyenlo eselyt ad.
A tel egy-szinu rezsim. Talan mi mindannyian azert szeretjuk a tavaszt,
mert polgarjogot oszt a tulipanoknak, az orgonaknak, a tularado
viragzasnak, ami ongyilkos orommamorban szokell az oszi hervadosba. A Nap
vizsgalobiro es figyelmen kivul hagy minden fellebbezest. Az aprilisi
zaporok a gyaszolok konnyei, miutan a tel a ho bitofajan kiszenvedett. A
nyar a Nap bekelteto ajandeka, amiert az eroszak ketes eszkozet hasznalta a
ho eltuntetesehez. (A kormany visszavonult, hogy resztvegyen a halottkemi
vizsgalaton a tel napfennyel tortent megmergezese targyaban.) Az Osz olyan
szo, ami magaert beszel.

A szerelmi ugy utolso romantikus gesztusa egy oleles volt egy jelentos fout
terelovonalan. Egy pillanatnyi csok elteritette a kozlekedest es magahoz
vonzotta a figyelmet. Idegen lenyeg voltak amit figyelmen kivul hagyott a
kozponti forgalomiranyitok grafikonja. Ok voltak a szemmertek a gepezetben.
Kemlelo-nyilasok voltak a valosagon. A kolteszet nagykovetei, de nem igazan
dipoematikusak. Ugy illettek a csond rejtelyebe, mint elemi csapas -- egy
tomeges autoszerencsetlenseg a Holt-Tenger kozepen. Ok voltak a
rendszerfejlodes gorbitett-gyurt-sodort-csonka selejtje. Lekuzd hetetlen
vagyuk tanitvanyai voltak. Ez volt az affer ami a lelkiallapot allamugyeive
valt a Kolteszet Koztarsasaganak kepzeleteben.

Ha egy kolto valaminek a miniszterelnoke volna, mi lehetne az a valami?
Lehetne vajon az engedelmes kolteszetkedvelok nemzetee? Esetleg a sz!nnel
es napsugarral folfegyverzett eros tulipanok nemzeti hadseregee? Lehetne a
nemzeti himnusz egy szeretkezes utani hosszu gyonyorteli sohaj? Vajon a
Viragportermelok Szakszervezete sztrajkot hirdetne magasabb
napfeny-berekertes gondosabban kimunkalt jarulekos juttatasokert? Ugymint
enyhebb zaporok es kiadosabb harmat? Okozhatna ez vajon nemzeti
meghasonlast? Besugna-e a C!meres Intellagens Agytroszt, hogy a Rovarok
Viragporszall!to Szervezetebe szakadar szelsoseges elemek szivarogtak, mint
teszem azt a szellok? Na es hogy festene a kulpolitikank? Csakis
emigransokat fogadnank be alom-utlevellel? De mit tegyunk a gyasz elol
menekultekkel es a ketsegbeesesbol disszidalokkal? Nagykoveteket kuldenenk
szerte, hogy begyujtsek az elhagyatottakat? Alapitsunk netan dipoemaciai
kapcsolatokat a Fajdalommal, targyaljunk tuzszunetrol es nyugodjunk bele,
hogy nem lesz tartos? Leszunk-e kiszemeloi es valasztoi a mi
ellensegeinknek (a Kozhelyes Kozepszeruseg) egy verspiruett alatt, es
rohanunk-e utkozetbe a Koltoiseg Harci Indulojaval ajkunkon?

Wally Keeler					Poetry
Creative Intelligence Agency			is
Peoples Republic of Poetry			Poetency
+ - Hungarian newspaper on net \ Magyar ujsag a Net-on (mind) VÁLASZ  Feladó: (cikkei)

I am looking for a hungarian newspaper from hungary on the net.
Does anybody know if this is available. If so where?

Szeretnek magyar budapesti ujsagot olvasni.
+ - "Ha Igazan Szeretsz Akkor..." (mind) VÁLASZ  Feladó: (cikkei)

This is dedicated to all of the 'gentlemen' who have used
	the line in the past -- 'If you loved me, you would...' and to all
	the 'ladies' who sadly believed them.  
		The poem was published on page 73 of the May 13, 1996 issue
	of THE NEW YORKER magazine:
		M O R N I N G     S O N G
	He speaks:
	Come, my laid lady, whom I wooed with words,
	And called my Star --
	Since you proved that you loved me, I
	Know what you are.
	For, knowing what I am, I have a rod
	To measure by --
	If you mistake what I gave you for love, you are
	More beast than I.
	And having eased in you my ambiguous lusts
	I now can prove
	That you're a dupe who let me wallow you
	And call it love.
	If I have feet of clay, yet you are now
	The dirt they trod --
	And in that moment when I brought you down,
	I was a god!
				Katharine Anne Porter
	Have a terrific Memorial Day week-end, but chose your
	pleasures with an eye on your future peace of mind.
+ - Re: L = pi * D (was Re: TRANSILVANIA...) (mind) VÁLASZ  Feladó: (cikkei)

In article >,
Ibn Buta    > wrote:
>In article >, Gyorgy Kovacs wrote:
>>In article >, loomis  > wrote:
>>>Gyorgy Kovacs wrote:
>>>> Nobody ever wrote about dismembering Rumania. This whole thread is about
>>>> Erde'ly.(???)
>>          ^^^^^He', ez nem to"lem van, e'n nem ke'rdezdem hanem mondtam!
>>Este mikor be vagy ru'gva akkor lehet, de reggel jo'zanul ma'r nem annyira.
>>:-)   ;->
>hacn edeber alad're maha'la...
>L = pi * D...
Ebben lehet valami, de ne szivd nagyon mellre. E=m*c^2
+ - Re: Brigi is so cute (mind) VÁLASZ  Feladó: (cikkei)

In article >,
Brigitta Bali > wrote:
>Check the Oxford. Bland: Of food: not stimulating.

 (Gabor Barsai)
:I don't need the Oxford, 

Yes you do; the education would do you good.

:I know what bland means; 

Only partially. The emphasis in your case is on "not stimulating."

:BTW, since when is a gland used for food?

Since you opened your mouth, analpit.

:Did you check out my home page?

I don't need the sleep right now.

:...take your pseudo-poetry back to Bizarro-land, where you belong. You can't
:write a poem in Hungarian, nor English, nor French.

What poem in English? I never wrote a poem in English. What poem of mine in
English? C'mon mung-mouth, state the poem I wrote in English. Hey, Mr Perfect,
what poem in English are you talking about!?!?!? 

     valaki (VALAKI) kezeben megoldodik a zar, a sotetseg
     bombolve kitor.
     citromkarika-szemu lany a martinis-poharban.
     jehtamet makde szabboli, ugyan ki almodta ezt?
     kiteritett sinek, felkotott allu hangszorok,
     a geppisztolyos or elorditja magat.
     vezessetek Blake-et a valyuhoz inni. megszomjazhatott.

And this poem is for my deceased cousin: 
Repasi Attila em lekere (hosi halalt halt:1956)

     a hajnal elovarosaban
     atzudul a szo szajak
     intim enteriorjen

               HOL AGY A SZALKA TARLO
               ES AZ EGBOLT A TAKARO

     felelmek kuporgasabol
     kimagaslik a halott

 |o Gabor Barsai also wrote:                                       o|
 |o I bet Wally likes it when you try to taste his bland glands... o|

 Very typical sophomoric witlessness.
+ - World Dog Show in Budapest June 6,7,8&9 (mind) VÁLASZ  Feladó: (cikkei)


I will be arriving in Budapest on June 4 to attend the World Dog Show. We 
are showing 2 Kuvasz. Can anyone suggest some places we can visit with our 
dogs so they are not stuck in the hotel room until June 7 when the Herding 
Group is shown?

Thank you! 

Oh,if you see some Americans with Kuvaszok in Budapest or Vienna that 
week, please say "Hello"!

Gail S. Dash

+ - Re: Cluj - ethnic composition (mind) VÁLASZ  Feladó: (cikkei)

In article > Adrian Precup-Pop,
>Tamas recently referred to the results of a
>1910 census in Cluj as "the ethnic composition".

>This is pure falsehood.

>A census regarding ethnicity was never done in

So what would you consider a fair census for 1910 ?
Let say, would a three-page antropological test together
with DNA analysis have made you satisified ?    ;-)

+ - Re: Cluj/Clusenberg/Kolozsvár (was:Re: Transilvania wa (mind) VÁLASZ  Feladó: (cikkei)

In article > Laszlo Katkits,
>Since I do not have any of these books, and you don't quote them,
>just referring to them, I can only choose to believe you.


"KOLOZSVÁR Kolozs vm.L:60 808 - közülük 50 704 m,7 562 rom,
1 676 ném, 371 c, 124 cs és 107 szlk lakos; Kolosvár; róm:
Napoca; lat: Claudopolis; ném: Clusenberg, Klausenburg;
[Cluj-Napoca, R]"

I checked it, the name 'Clusenberg' is not typo.It is written 
exactly this way in the separate German-Hungarian identifier
cathalogue on the last pages of the book.

+ - Re: Hungarian newspaper on net \ Magyar ujsag a Net-on (mind) VÁLASZ  Feladó: (cikkei)

In article >,
 > wrote:
>I am looking for a hungarian newspaper from hungary on the net.
>Does anybody know if this is available. If so where?
>Szeretnek magyar budapesti ujsagot olvasni.

Try http://www.nepszabadsag.hu
+ - A Tavasz Pulikutya ja (Tavasszal ne politizaljunk) (mind) VÁLASZ  Feladó: (cikkei)

Wally Keeler wrote:
Brigitta Bali's translation of the original has never been submitted for
publication. We hereby challenge Gyorgy Kovacs to submit his satirical
take-off (imitation is flattery) of Brigitta's translation for publication
in any literary/arts/satirical/mainstream journal. Brigitta will submit her
translation for the judgement of her peers. We will see what the results
will be on a future date.

1. My version has been written solely for S.C.M. Not poets, but normal people.
   If you enjoyed it, I'm glad, if you did not I'm sorry about wasting your
   bandwidth. I got recognition in e-mail, people thought it was funny.
2. I don't give a hoot about your peers. It is probably easy for you to get
   recognition from them, but it does not mean anything in the big picture.
3. You need to improve a lot to challenge anyone. Mainly in manners and logic.

BTW: The original English version sounds much better, but does not make any
sense either.

Gyorgy Kovacs
+ - Re: contracts law-- slovak style (mind) VÁLASZ  Feladó: (cikkei)

In article >,
Igor GAZDIK > wrote:
| #In article >,  
| #says...
| #>Evidence suggests that there is serious damage to the environment
| #>already.  Shoddy design and construction of the system also poses
| #>significant problems for the future.
| 	looks like you are the only international expert who can see
| 	that shoddy design and environmental damage.

Plus some UN experts... but that's just a mnor detail.
+ - Re: Brigi is so cute (mind) VÁLASZ  Feladó: (cikkei)

In article >,
Brigitta Bali > wrote:
>In article >,
>Brigitta Bali > wrote:
>>Check the Oxford. Bland: Of food: not stimulating.
 (Gabor Barsai)
>:I don't need the Oxford,
>Yes you do; the education would do you good.

It take one to know one. Me Wonga-Taa, King of Jungle.

>:I know what bland means;
>Only partially. The emphasis in your case is on "not stimulating."

But sugar-tush, how should I know what you think? Maybe if you'd learn English,
you'd be more effective in your efforts at making up a logical sentence.

>:BTW, since when is a gland used for food?
>Since you opened your mouth, analpit.

I'm...I'm...flattered. Really. Although I know that this is just your silly way
of coping with the fact that I'm (je suis, yo soy, Ich bin) a genius, and
you're still struggling with the concept of walking erect.

(I wrote erect...huh-huh, yeah. Being erect is cool, huh-huh.)

>What poem in English? I never wrote a poem in English. What poem of mine in

BTW, you never wrote a poem in Hungarian or French.

> |^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^|
> |o Gabor Barsai also wrote:                                       o|
> |o I bet Wally likes it when you try to taste his bland glands... o|
> |------------------------------------------------------------------|
> Very typical sophomoric witlessness.

I didn't see such an educated responce to Wally's famous "dried up dumb cunt"

Oh, well.

Your Friendly Vital Organ
+ - Re: Transilvania was,is and would be romanian province (mind) VÁLASZ  Feladó: (cikkei)

In article >,  (George
Szaszvari) wrote:

> In article >, 
>  says...
> >
> >In article
> >, Matthew
> >Paul Kenneth > wrote:

> >> I am an American going to teach in Kolozsvar next year. 

> >So, do you call New York, New Amsterdam? You've done the equivalent with
> >Cluj. 

> This is one helluva STUPID and IGNORANT thing to say! Kolozsvar is the 
> legitimate Magyar language name today (and was long before Romania ever 
> existed) as much as Cluj-Napoca is the legitimate Romanian language name. 
> New Amsterdam, used by English language speakers, was *officially* changed 
> to New York by those English language speakers and to make any comparison 
> with Kolozsvar/Cluj-Napoca is utterly idiotic.

I seem to be reading these responses out of order so I hope you will bear
with me. 

For a hungarian to use Kolosvar or Cluj is not odd. For a romanian to
use Kolosvar or Cluj is not odd. For an American (university of Oregon,
doesn't have an 'ethnic' name) to use it is IMHO odd. I wanted to know
the reason for picking it.

This is akin to an American using the Chinese name for a Russian border
city that was at one time Chinese. It isn't a capital offense but it is
not a horrible thing to ask why the non-standard usage. 

I do the same when people call Chisinau by the former name of Kisinov or
people still call St. Petersburg by it's former name of Leningrad.

The official name of the city you refer to as Kolozsvar is Cluj-Napoca
which is usually shortened to Cluj. Now the Britannica Atlas that I just
looked it up in does not give an alternate for Cluj. It does give one
for Bucuresti, which is Bucharest. But if you are going to comment on
the english language usage, I hope that you agree that the Britannica is
a fairly authoritative atlas and, unless you can come up with something
better, should be followed.

As for New Amsterdam/New York Before the english fleet arrived, New Amsterdam
did not have very many english speakers at all since it was a Dutch colony.

The victorious admiral, as a right of conquest, renamed the city in honor
of his patron, the Duke of York. This was considered one of the ways to
get big brownie points back at court in those days. The dutch who, apparently,
are not as obstinate and pig headed about these things as certain Hungarians
are (this means you) in general have not made much of a fuss over the name
issue. But since you bring it up, no, there was no plebescite over the 
city name, no decision by "english speakers" to change it, and no minority
rights for the Dutch inhabitants. It all came about because a particular
english admiral was ambitious.


Now available on the Romanian Political Pages
The only net copy of the Romanian constitution in Romanian
(I wonder why the government never put it on their sites?)
+ - East European Folk Music & Dances - 5/26/96 8:00PM (mind) VÁLASZ  Feladó: (cikkei)

Buffalo Dance Circle Proudly Presents An Exciting Performance of the
Internationally Acclaimed


A company of 38 Musicians, Singers and Dancers in a Program of
East European Folk Music & Dances

Sunday, May 26, 1996 - 8:00 P.M.
Holton-Arms School Theatre
7303 River Road, Bethesda, MD
Tickets: $20.00

for info call: 301-871-8788


=C1rpad F=E1bi=E1n Kov=E1cs
WWW                : http://www.glue.umd.edu/~kovacs
personal email     : 
+ - Folk Dance & Folk Music (Hungarian) - Okros Ensemble It (mind) VÁLASZ  Feladó: (cikkei)

American Hungarian Folklore Centrum Sponsors the following events:
Concert by the Okros Ensemble with Sandor (Neti) Fodor=20

5/31 Friday, 7:00 PM
At the Hungarian Reformed Church, 220 Fourth St., Passaic, NJ (info:

6/1 Saturday, 6:00PM=20
At the American Hungarian Foundation, 300 Somerset St., New Brunswick, N.J.
(info: 908-846-5777)

6/2 Sunday, 4:00 PM=20
At the Hungarian Community Club, 147 Ward St., Wallingford, CT
(info: 203-271-0443)

6/3 Monday, 7:00 PM
At the Hungarian Embassy & Consulate, 227 E. 52 St. in Manhattan,
$10 Reservations advised (info: 201-836-4869)

6/15 Saturday, 3:00-7:00 PM
Workshop & Dancing
At the Hungarian House, 213 East 82nd St., Between Second and Third=20
Avenues in Manhattan, NY City (info: 516-741-5109)
Cost: $10

6/23-30 Sun.-Sun.
Hungarian Folk Dance and Folk Music Symposium at SNPJ, Enon Valley, PA=20
with Szilard (Sziszi) Szabo & Ildiko Nemeth and the Okros Ensemble with=20
Sandor (Neti) Fodor (info: 201-836-4869)


=C1rpad F=E1bi=E1n Kov=E1cs
WWW                : http://www.glue.umd.edu/~kovacs
personal email     : 
+ - The Polips and Ticks of Spring (mind) VÁLASZ  Feladó: (cikkei)

You have my permission to publish this wherever you wish:

The polips and ticks of Spring (Dedicated to Wally Keeler and Brigitta Bali)

The Kingdom of Pseudo-poetry was a hangover, caused by casual sex with the cute
but stupid daughter of the ambassador

Dolina, your cheeks might be flowery, but you should be under sanctions from 
any Provincial Government for your pseudo-poetry. You give me poison ivy. My 
body is filled with Cabinet Brandy and fantastic nerves. My hands are here, the
ticks are in the distance. My arms are still between me and my hands. I love 
it! If you are a rose, I'm thrown for a loop. You want to be a peasant in my 
Dynasty? Be my guest, but I'd rather watch Dallas or Bonanza. Now I could 
probably write 'we' but it would be too simple.

It was a spring that wasn't fair.

In spring the snow does like a tree and leaves, like pseudo-poets when scared 
wittless. The grass is green as usual, but that's not a surprise. Snow out, sun
in. Simple huh? All winter we had to use tanning beds to keep the color. Spring
gets elected without a campaign. Now, is Spring really a politician or just a 
greenhorn Secret Agent with a robin on his shoulder to find the trails where 
the skiers are lost hopeless? Nah. Springs warms everybody, who is not hiding 
in the refrigerator. Winter is an old fashioned black-and-white model. We may 
just like the color unit, because the flowers look rather pathetic on the B&W 
one. If I looked that bad I would kill myself. The sun melts the snow whether 
the snow likes it or not. End of skiing season. In April it can rain kitties 
and puppies, just don't hang them by their tail. By summer snow is history (est
magistra vitae) but school starts in Autumn. Darn.

There might have been some hugging in an alley named Major St., but there is 
construction in Memory Lane. Traffic stopped from that kiss, because I had 
trouble steering the car. Where is that cursed map?! You adjusted the TILT 
steering wheel so low that my balls got .... never mind! (Where is my tie pin?)
Besides there are potholes everywhere. Really. Now it was not very diplomatic 
when you started to ruin all the poens in the Ambassador's Club. There was 
silence after the three-car-crash behind us. They are Dead! See? The case is 
bent beyond recognition and I just have the urge to do like horsefeces and hit 
the trail. No more affairs in the drunken state of mind. Some might imagine 
things like ... er .... Kingdom of Pseudo-Poetry. Yikes!

Quiz: If a poet was a premier of something, how old is the captain? Is there a 
sensible nation which wants the people to be obedient to poetry? Nope, they can
elect to like it, nothing mandatory here. Does it ever make sense to arm your 
militia with a sword-fish? Or tulips for that matter? (Add color and 
moonshine.) Would the national anthem be a long joyful sigh after love? Or 
better even: during? Oops, better check the pollen count! Would the Union of 
Pollen Producers go on strike demanding higher rates of sunlight and more 
elaborate fringe benefits such as lighter showers and heavier dew with 
ocasional thunderstorms and tornados as bonus items? And why not? That wont 
increase the national debt! Or they can just come up with something imbecile 
like the Creative Intelligence Agency, to hide the fact that they are completly
unprepared to emit a logical thought. Everybody can be a dreamer, but you need 
to carry a passport to be a Pseudo-Poet! Preferably in a lead briefcase. Good 
Grief! Are you desperate or what? Just out of neglect: you are an established 
pain in the neck for the Ambassador, negotiate a cease-fire or pick your enema.
(Have a Banana for Medication) I think I dropped a poen somewhere ....    sing 
for me cutiepie  ..........
a Battle Hymn or something .... yawn  ...  thing ........ nggggg ......

Darn! I completly forgot about the Polips and the Ticks. Must be Spring!

> ==============================================================
Wally Keeler posted this in a pathetic attempt to defend his Poetry:

THE POLITICS OF SPRING   (original English version)
The Peoples Republic of Poetry was inspired during a short-lived love
affair with a dipoemat's beautiful daughter.

  Delina, may your cheeks be trilliums and sanctioned by the
  Provincial Government of Poetry. Where you touch me a wound
  bursts forth like a spring blossom. My body is a filing cabinet
  of fanatic nerves. My eyes martyr themselves on your cheeks. My
  hands are the heretics of distance. My arms are the legislation
  of love. You are the rose I am a thorn on. I am a peasant in the
  dynasty of your eyes. You are a guest in my wilderness of love.
  What if I wrote -- "You and I", as simple as that, for what is
  more perfect than that which is truly simple.

It was a spring affair.

  In spring the snow disperses like a mob of resentful rioters. In
  the fields there are wounds in the snow where grass bleeds green,
  where grass is an opening eye. In spring the snow goes a.w.o.l.
  In spring the sun leads a successful guerilla movement or coup
  d'etat. In spring there is an insurrection of grass and love. All
  winter our flesh was ignorant of the sedition of sunlight. No one
  ever votes spring into power. Is spring a totalitarian
  imperialist? Are robins infiltrated foreign agents sabotaging
  snowmobile trails, encouraging Green Power? Spring is a tolerant
  state because it permits equal opportunity to all colours.
  Winter is a one-colour regime. Perhaps we all love spring because
  it allows civil rights to the tulips, to the lilacs, to the
  exuberant blossoms committing a joyful suicide leap into fallen
  blossoms. The sun is prosecutor and executioner of snow. The sun
  casts an unanimous verdict and ignores all appeals. April
  showers are the mourner's tears after winter has been hung from
  the gallows of warmth. Summer is the sun's gift of appeasement
  for the questionable use of coercive force to eliminate snow.
  (The government recessed to attend a coroner's inquest involving
  the sunlight-poisoning of winter). Fall is a word that speaks for

The affair's ultimate romantic gesture was an embrace on the broken line of
a major highway. A moment's kiss diverted traffic and attracted attention.
They were a foreign substance unaccounted for on the flowcharts of traffic
planners. They were the TILT of pinball machines. They were loopholes in
reality. They were ambassadors from Poetry but they weren't very
dipoematic. They fit into the puzzle of silence like a calamity -- a
three-car pile-up in the Dead Sea. They were the bend-fold-spindle-mutilate
of systems progress. They were disciples of their urges. This was state of
the affair which became the affairs of state of mind in the ImagiNation of
the Peoples Republic of Poetry.

  If a poet were the premier of something, what might that
  something be? Would it be a nation of obedient poetry lovers?
  Would the national militia consist of mighty tulips armed with
  colour and sunshine? Would the national anthem be a long joyful
  sigh after love? Would the Union of Pollen Producers go on strike
  demanding higher rates of sunlight and more elaborate fringe
  benefits such as lighter showers and heavier dew? Would this
  cause an image-national crisis? Would the Creative Intelligence
  Agency report that the Insect Pollen Transportation Organization
  had been infiltrated by dissident outside agitators such as
  breezes? Then what would our foreign policy be? Would we accept
  only immigrants carrying passport dreams? Then what about the
  refugees from Grief and defectors from Despair? Would we send out
  ambassadors to collect the neglected? Would we establish
  dipoematic relations with pain, negotiate for a ceasefire and
  settle for shorter durations? Would we pick and choose our
  enemies (Banality Mediocrity) at the drop of a poem and come
  charging, singing the Battle Hymn of the Poetic?
+ - Re: Transilvania was,is and would be romanian province (mind) VÁLASZ  Feladó: (cikkei)

In article >,  (George
Szaszvari) wrote:

> So the chap who made the original posting using Kolozsvar was not 
> incorrect, as you Romanians seem to so desperately want to convince
> yourselves. It is insidious to argue, as Lutas and his defenders do, 
> against the use of Kolozsvar. In Britain such an attitude would be 
> thought of as fascist.

I post a simple question of why did this person with a non-romanian/
non-hungarian name use the hungarian name for Cluj. I thought it odd
in context. The simple act of asking this question has gotton me labelled
as having insidious fascist attitudes. Now beyond this Orwellian accusation 
of fascism, my "defenders" are also labelled fascists in a clear act of

I just simply wanted to know why the guy was using Kolosvar, I didn't 
want to hang him in the street for it. Do you have no tolerance at all?

Getting back to the Kolosvar-Cluj/New York-New Amsterdam thing which
was the original grave sin that I committed in comparing the two 
cases, I think that my question has not been answered. New Amsterdam is 
learned in history class in high school as the original name for New 
York. If you sleep through that particular lecture, you are next likely 
to encounter it as the name of a good micro-brewery beer. But you 
generally do not use it when you are announcing your travel itinerary. 
Your travel agent is not likely to be familiar with it. Nor would the 
folks at US airports. 

Is it so wrong just to ask why somebody used this particular formulation?


Now available on the Romanian Political Pages
The only net copy of the Romanian constitution in Romanian
(I wonder why the government never put it on their sites?)
+ - Help with Hungarian coffee culture (mind) VÁLASZ  Feladó: (cikkei)


I remember from the time I was staying in Hungary
about 5 years ago how there were 'Presszo' cafes

I would be interested in buying one of those large
Hungarian espresso machines designed for cafes that
can handle a continuous flow of customers. Is there
anyone out there who can help me out by finding the
name and contact information of a company which
makes these machines, or of someone who sells them.

In particular I can remember machines where the 
coffee seller pulled down a handle to force the
water through the coffee. I think those machines
have class.

Bill Smith

+ - Asszonyok az osszefogasert - alairasok (mind) VÁLASZ  Feladó: (cikkei)

A "Magyar Asszonyok az Osszefogasert" akciora
ld: http://www.siliconvalley.com/960328.html
tovabbi alairasok erkeztek:

Mogyorodi M. Veronika
Mogyorodi Agnes
Vincze Maria
Hajnal Blanka
Marie C. Burton
Zsebo Eva
Barkoczy Andrea
Toth Belane
Varga Ilona
Abelovszky Erzsebet
Berczky Judit
Bally Livia
+ - Re: The Politics of Spring (mind) VÁLASZ  Feladó: (cikkei)

In article >,
Wally Keeler > wrote:
>take-off (imitation is flattery) of Brigitta's translation for publication
Or mockery, you dumb-ass.

>The Peoples Republic of Poetry was inspired during a short-lived love
>A Kolteszet Koztarsasagat egy dipoemata gyonyoru lanyaval folytatott

What's a Peoples Republic?

aka. Bird Jaguar, Lord of the Mayas at Yaxchilan and now
aka. The Friendly Vital Organ
+ - Re: Official Name (was: Re: Transilvania was, is and wo (mind) VÁLASZ  Feladó: (cikkei)

In article >,  (George
Szaszvari) wrote:

> In article >,  says...
> >>>While I think it could have become an issue if used in
> >>>an official text or statement, given the circumstances
> >>>the whole thing looks like a storm in a water glass.
> >>
> >>It was made an issue by your compatriot Mr Lutas. I don't
> >>see any Romanians on these ngs addressing him on the point.
> >
> >I just did that, in the fragment you quote:
> When I say *address Lutas* I mean just that: reply to *his* posting
> and solicit his answer. After all, he made the original assertion, 
> which was out and out anti-Hungarian, storm in a tea cup, or not.

It's not really necessary to do so. I saw Tudor's (and Marius Iacomi's)
responses and while I may or may not agree with everything that they
said, their points were understood if not so radically opposed that they
deserved a direct response. 

You on the other hand have called me anti-hungarian, fascist, stupid, 
ignorant, and a Funar supporter. All this for simply asking an American
why he used Kolosvar and not Cluj (the answer to which I am still waiting).
Probably this gentleman doesn't think that my question was important 
enough to deserve him taking time out to answer. I can understand and 
respect this. 

What I cannot understand is what is your motive for doing what you are doing?

> No, my self-righteous friend. I did realize what Mr Lutas was on about 
> and directly addressed it. 

No, actually you never did understand what the whole mudfest in a teacup
was about. Is this particular American a Magyarophile, poorly educated on
current place names, or simply perverse in his usage of place names (i.e. 
he would use New Amsterdam for New York)? It's like that guy you see dressed
all in black. Is he a nihilist or is it just a fashion statement?


Now available on the Romanian Political Pages
The only net copy of the Romanian constitution in Romanian
(I wonder why the government never put it on their sites?)
+ - The Unmistakable Poetry of Bret Harte, for our pseudo-p (mind) VÁLASZ  Feladó: (cikkei)

Which I wish to remark,
And my language is plain,
That for ways that are dark,
And tricks that are vain:
The heathen Keeler are particular,
Which the same, I would rise to explain.
+ - Re: Hungarian newspaper on net \ Magyar ujsag a Net-on (mind) VÁLASZ  Feladó: (cikkei)

> I am looking for a hungarian newspaper from hungary on the net.
> Does anybody know if this is available. If so where?
> Thanks.
> Szeretnek magyar budapesti ujsagot olvasni."Nepszabadsag" is an excellent dai
ly newspaper and you find it:
Sincerely, Laszlo
+ - Re: Students for the Rom (mind) VÁLASZ  Feladó: (cikkei)

Wally Keeler ) wrote:

>I speak only English & I had little difficulty communicating with Roma 
>when last in Hungary, indeed, I had little difficulty communicating with 
>poor abused Hungarians also. If English was not spoken, I had access to a 
>translator. I took the Fekete Vonat to a Roma village for the weekend -- 
>no one spoke English, but there was communication. (Oh BTW, my pockets 
>weren't picked)

>So much for stereotypes.

Be extremly careful about it.
Unfortunately it is common that someone gets inerviewed, asked to fill
in a questionnaire, etc. just because he/she can speak English.
A Roma who can speak English belongs to a few % of the whole Roma
population, so whatever you do with them will give you a false
image. (Unfortunately even being an outsider will hide things from
you. I don't believe they trust any "gadzso", especially not one
whom they cannot even talk to.)

>Oh, and I didn't see any Hungarians commit suicide, so there went another 

Well, we don't do such things in public.

>If you are inclined, you are always welcome to work with the Inuit or any 
>of the other Native Canadians on various projects, many more of them 

I can hardly believe that I would be of any help for them.

+ - kerdesek az elitrol (mind) VÁLASZ  Feladó: (cikkei)

Tisztelt Halozati Polgarok!

1993 ota adunk ki Okotaj neven egy okologiai-kulturalis folyoiratot, =

negyedevente, felevente, ahogy a penzunk futja. Elokeszuletben levo =

kovetkezo szamunkban az elit temajaval foglalkozunk. Szeretnenk =

megtudni az Internet-vilag velemenyet a kovetkezo kerdesekrol:
- Ki az elit ma a vilagon?
- Letezik-e a szo eredeti ertelmeben elit?
- Letezik-e mar Internet elit?

Christopher Lasch 1995-ben megjelent The Revolt of the Elites and =

the Betrayal of Democracy=B2 cimu konyveben talaltuk az alabbi erdekes =

gondolatokat a temaval kapcsolatban. Varjuk ezzel kapcsolatos =

velemenyuket is:
- =B3Ma nem annyira a tomegek, mint az elitek lazadasa fenyegeti a =

- =B3Az elitek uj, globalis szervezetet alkotnak a helyi tarsadalmak =

folott...uraljak az egesz foldgolyot behalozo kommunikacios es =

informacios sztradakat.=B2
- =B3Hatekony eszkozeik birtokaban az elitek minden alol kibujhatnak, =

ami az igenyeiket es expanziojukat korlatozna.=B2

Varjuk velemenyuket!

A szerkesztoseg