Hollosi Information eXchange /HIX/
Copyright (C) HIX
Új cikk beküldése (a cikk tartalma az író felelőssége)
Megrendelés Lemondás
1 Re: Mr. Frajkor, listowner of Slovak-L (mind)  48 sor     (cikkei)
2 Re: Mr. Frajkor, listowner of Slovak-L (mind)  11 sor     (cikkei)
3 Re: About Slovak fascism, general remarks (mind)  50 sor     (cikkei)
5 Re: Radio Telephone (mind)  21 sor     (cikkei)
6 Re: Radio Telephone (mind)  53 sor     (cikkei)
7 Re: Mr. Frajkor, listowner of Slovak-L (mind)  19 sor     (cikkei)
8 Hungarian broadcast information FAQ (mind)  124 sor     (cikkei)
9 Re: Interesting ... (mind)  25 sor     (cikkei)
10 Re: Another Example of Slovak Intolerance (mind)  20 sor     (cikkei)
11 Isn t she lovely... ? was: Re: Mr. Frajkor, listowner (mind)  34 sor     (cikkei)
12 Re: Mr. Frajkor, listowner of Slovak-L (mind)  48 sor     (cikkei)
13 Re: Radio Telephone (mind)  33 sor     (cikkei)
14 Re: Radio Telephone (mind)  10 sor     (cikkei)
15 Re: Another Example of Slovak Intolerance (mind)  14 sor     (cikkei)
16 Re: Mr. Frajkor, listowner of Slovak-L (mind)  15 sor     (cikkei)
17 Re: Interesting ... (mind)  8 sor     (cikkei)
18 English Man looking for Hungarian Penfriends (mind)  14 sor     (cikkei)
19 Re: Mr. Frajkor, listowner of Slovak-L (mind)  10 sor     (cikkei)
20 Re: Another Example of Slovak Intolerance (mind)  22 sor     (cikkei)
21 Re: Interesting ... (mind)  15 sor     (cikkei)
22 Re: Mail order (mind)  14 sor     (cikkei)
23 Re: Everybody Fuck Otto J. Makela (mind)  12 sor     (cikkei)
24 Re: Interesting ... (mind)  33 sor     (cikkei)
25 Re: Mr. Frajkor, listowner of Slovak-L (mind)  11 sor     (cikkei)

+ - Re: Mr. Frajkor, listowner of Slovak-L (mind) VÁLASZ  Feladó: (cikkei)

Ross Hedvicek ) wrote:
: >My professional advice is to ignore
: >Mr.Kanala.  Sick individuals like him need treatment and lots
: >of rest.  The best you can do is to ignore his self-advertisements
: >and postings claiming his self-righteousness,
: >which will hopefully help him overcome his sickness.
: Professional? "Professionals" like you put Andrei Sakharov to mental
: hospital because his opinions were not liked by the communist regime. I
: assume that you "earned" your questionable title during a communist
: regime, too..

Nice try.  I have a degree from York, but that's beside the point.
As a therapist, I deal with a lot of people that have various handicaps,
and ATTENTION SEEKERS (like Mr. Kanala here) are among them.
Just look at his postings: advertising his usenet threads, crossposting,
purposely picking controversial issues, and when discussion is heated
abandoning them (I have (unfortunately) came across many threads where
he never responeded to the replies.).  We call such people
shit disturbers (=naseru peknu kopku, potom s palickou pichnu do toho
hovna, a potom ujdu prec).  Furthermore, his focus is somehow on Slovakia
only, ignoring other nations that have perhaps much more pressing issues
to talk about.  He is ready to provide statstical and geographical data
to support his lies (never footnoted by the way, that I have seen),
however he totally misplaced my e-mail "yorku.ca" to be a USA university.
Just look at the usenet posting of the type: "I will be posting shortly,
stay tuned."  What kind of crap is that?  I don't need commercials
on the 'Net, especialy from sickos like Mr. Kanala.
In contrast with other posters in this group, Mr. Kanala usually 
starts threads, hoping to get a response.  Mr. Frajkor and others 
usually respond (defensively) to an offensive posting.
Why would someone come to the 'Net to stirr up shit and get a kick out
of it?  Mr. Kanala is clearly a morbid person.

An EFFECTIVE way to deal with ATTENTION SEEKERS is to IGNORE them.
It is sometimes hard to pass by a posting in this group that insults
me to the bone, but remember, the author is SICK.  Unfortunately,
it is not possible to shake someone's head, or smash a beer bottle
on it as someone suggested; that's not how these handicaps are dealt with.

Calling people names, insulting people on the 'Net, leaving useless
messages (Mr. Lewinsky), are not very productive postings.
Remember, the 'Net is run by people, there is no governing body.
If this, or other, newsgroup deterriaorates to name-calling
and insulting, people will move elsewhere.

+ - Re: Mr. Frajkor, listowner of Slovak-L (mind) VÁLASZ  Feladó: (cikkei)

In article >,  > wrote:
>God bless all the readers of soc.culture.slovakia !  But why is this saga
>cross posted to soc.culture.magyar? 
>Kell e nekunk importalt furas? Csak olvassuk a Forumot es a Hungary-t.

Only those messages were crossposted that were relevant to Hungary.
If you want to live out your life with your head stuck in the sand,
Internet is not the place.

+ - Re: About Slovak fascism, general remarks (mind) VÁLASZ  Feladó: (cikkei)

Michael Hajovsky wrote:
> In >  writes:

( ... )

>> I am personally in process of locating members of the board of
>> trusties at University of Carleton, Ottawa. NAZI orientations
>> like his are to be isolated, curtailed and expelled from the
>> society.
>> A. Albu
> It's you again! Mr. Kanala and Mr. Frajkor are participating here in
> what is know as "Freedom of the speech", which is know here in USA as
> "First amendment to the constitution". For that you are threatening one
> of them with a personal harm and persecution. If one were to compare
> you to a nazi, it would be a genuine insult to all nazis. Does not
> Canada have anti-stalking laws? Just go away, and stay away, please.

Sure, in the USA, there is the "First Amendment". The concept of the Freedom 
of Speech also exists in other countries accross the Free World.

But, Canada is not part of US and the propagation of fascism, national
and racial intolerance and spreading hatred is forbidden by the law.
So it is in many other countries. In Germany, a US hate-monger, editor
of neo-nazi publications has been recently caught, tried and convinced. 
He had the bad idea to go there.

Whether this criminalising of expressions of hate philosophies is a 
restriction of the absolute, idealised concept of the Freedom of Speech 
is not the issue. The issue is that what Mr. Frajkor could do if he was
a member of a US university, he cannot do legally in Canada. 

Mr. Frajkor has committed a number of illegal acts and it's correct to 
bring his activities to the attention of whom it may concern. 

That Mr. Frajkor is continuing his lies (he has been frequently caught
when knowingly lying and continues doing it again), that he is knowingly 
spreading them, that he is spin-doctoring the history, all that are 
expressions of his intellectual, scientific and moral failures that may be 
of interest to the Ethical Commission at his University. However, acts
against the Law are reprehensible and can be taken to a court.

Mr. Frajkor has committed within the last three weeks a considerable 
number of mistakes. I have spent a couple of days reading the old
stuff and will document some of his lapsus. 

Roman Kanala

=09Wednesday, August 28th, Spotlight by Starlight, performance, Mason
=09District Park, Annandale, VA. For more information contact (703)

=09Sunday, September 29th, community dance, Spanish Ballroom at Glen
=09Echo Park. For information contact Jamie & Betsy Platt at (301)

=09Saturday, November 2nd, Szentgerice Festival, Fairfax Unitarian
=09Church.  For information contact Mary & Bob Trip (703) 323-2504 or
=09Emory & Rita Lazar (703) 323-8293.

=09Saturday, November 9th, Harmony Hall Performance. Dancing and
=09teaching circles immediately following performance. For
=09performance/admission information contact the box office (301)
=09292-2893; TTY (301) 292-8203.  Harmony Hall is located at 10701 Livingst=
=09Road, Fort Washington, MD.=20


=C1rpad F=E1bi=E1n Kov=E1cs
WWW                : http://www.glue.umd.edu/~kovacs
personal email     : 
+ - Re: Radio Telephone (mind) VÁLASZ  Feladó: (cikkei)

In article > Peter Szaszvari,
>06 a Magyarorszagon beluli tavhivas kodja. Minden maroktelefon (bunkofon, 
>tahofon) tavhivasnak szamit.
>Ha a szam 06 XXXXXXX volt, kulfoldrol YY 36 XXXXXXX szamon erheto el a boldog 
>tulajdonos ahol YY az adott orszag nemzetkozi hivast kezdemenyezo eloszama, 
>legtobbszor 00.

Nem ijjen ecceru. A bunkofonok korzetszama 20 vagy 30. Ha drotos tele-
fonrol  hijjak a bunkofont, a telefonszam ele kell potyogni a 0630 at,
ahogy ha a dero'tos telefonyt hivom mobilrol, kell a 06 + korzetszam. Ezek
a csicsa'k akko' nem kollenek csak, ha mobil hij mobiltat.

>Mindez persze csak akkor mukodik ha a maroktelefon/bunkofon/tahofon be
>van kapcsolva!

Nem biztos, ha nem tul csoro a hivott, akkor elo van fizetve hangpostara,
es a bunkofon kikapcsoltsaga eseten lehet uzenetet hagyni.

Tamas (roamingolo bunkofonos)
+ - Re: Radio Telephone (mind) VÁLASZ  Feladó: (cikkei)

In article >,
   T. Kocsis > wrote:
>In article > Peter Szaszvari,
>>06 a Magyarorszagon beluli tavhivas kodja. Minden maroktelefon (bunkofon, 
>>tahofon) tavhivasnak szamit.
>>Ha a szam 06 XXXXXXX volt, kulfoldrol YY 36 XXXXXXX szamon erheto el a 
>>tulajdonos ahol YY az adott orszag nemzetkozi hivast kezdemenyezo eloszama, 
>>legtobbszor 00.
>Nem ijjen ecceru. A bunkofonok korzetszama 20 vagy 30. Ha drotos tele-
>fonrol  hijjak a bunkofont, a telefonszam ele kell potyogni a 0630 at,
>ahogy ha a dero'tos telefonyt hivom mobilrol, kell a 06 + korzetszam. Ezek
>a csicsa'k akko' nem kollenek csak, ha mobil hij mobiltat.
>>Mindez persze csak akkor mukodik ha a maroktelefon/bunkofon/tahofon be
>>van kapcsolva!
>Nem biztos, ha nem tul csoro a hivott, akkor elo van fizetve hangpostara,
>es a bunkofon kikapcsoltsaga eseten lehet uzenetet hagyni.
>Tamas (roamingolo bunkofonos)

Csak a tisztanlatas kedveert

XY szama 123456 es tegyuk fel GSM
Masik magyar GSM-rol :          123456
Magyarorszagrol      :    06 20 123456
Pl. Z.-bol           : 00 36 20 123456

(nem latok ellentmondast a korabbiakkal ugyanis igen kicsi a valoszinusege, 
hogy a t. kerdezo magyarorszagi, azonos tipusu keszulekrol akart hivni 
valamint a teljes szam megadasa mindig mukodik)

Ha egy kicsit magunkhozengedjuk a postasok (maskulonben nem tul fenyes) 
logikajat, egyszeriben vilagossa valik minden.
A 06, 20 , 30 nem igazabol a keszulekek "szama". A kulongozo rendszerek 
egyszeruen egy magyar videki "korzetszam"-nak felelnek meg.

Probaljunk elkepzelni egy kis falut Magyarorszagon ahova az osszes GSM-es 
ossze van zarva (igen szorakoztato kep). Ennek a falunak 20 a korzetszama.
Falubeliek termeszetesen helyi, magyarok videki, kulfoldiek (megha szivukben 
igaz magyarok is) kulfoldi hivassal erhetik el oket.

Persze mivel en a fenti keszulekek egyikevel sem rendelkezem, mindez lehet 
teoria csupan. (de legalabb logikusan hangzik)

Szaszvari Peter
+ - Re: Mr. Frajkor, listowner of Slovak-L (mind) VÁLASZ  Feladó: (cikkei)

> In article >,  > wrote:
> >God bless all the readers of soc.culture.slovakia !  But why is this saga
> >cross posted to soc.culture.magyar?
> >
> >Kell e nekunk importalt furas? Csak olvassuk a Forumot es a Hungary-t.
> Only those messages were crossposted that were relevant to Hungary.
> If you want to live out your life with your head stuck in the sand,
> Internet is not the place.
> Joe

Great and Wise self appointed moderator! Thank you for your comments 
and for your superior judgment with regard to the relevance of messages cross-
posted to this newsgroup. - One question: Do you get paid for this? 

+ - Hungarian broadcast information FAQ (mind) VÁLASZ  Feladó: (cikkei)

Archive-name: hungarian/broadcast
Soc-culture-magyar-archive-name: broadcast
Last-modified: 1996/06/29
Version: 0.82
Posting-Frequency: every twenty days


 Many thanks go to Andy Vadasz and Peter Soltesz, who compiled much of
the information shown here. This file is being maintained at the
archive <http://www.hix.com/hungarian-faq/HU-broadcast.txt>;. A similar
compendium is also available from the HAL archives
with more related material under <http://mineral.umd.edu/hir/Entertainment/>;.

 The programme by the Radio Petofi is available real-time simulcast via
the Internet (the first such national broadcast according to them):
<http://www.petofi.enet.hu/reala.html>; (note that this adress is at
'enet.hu', signifying E-NET, which is distinct from 'eunet.hu' where
some other resources are to be found). That page has all the
information needed to get the sofware handling the 'realaudio' format,
or one can go straight to the source at <http://www.realaudio.com>;.

 Realaudio format recorded broadcast segments for some HungarianRadio
programmes are available thru <http://www.wrn.org/stations/hungary.html>;. 
The homepage for Radio Budapest (the external service of Hungarian
Radio) is at <http://www.eunet.hu/radio/>; - they have a lot of textual
information, including schedules and frequency tables for worldwide

 Computer-readable Hungarian language broadcast material from the Voice
of America is found under <http://www.voa.gov/programs/audio/>;; they
have other computer audio file formats for download beside realaudio as

 Here is a listing of Hungarian language broadcasts (as of 28 May
1996), collected by Peter Soltesz <mailto:>.
Note that the Hungarian language broadcast of the Radio Free Europe
(which was shown in the original version I posted) has been
discontinued sometime in '95! Also, the Voice of America beam is
transmitted from outside America and can't be received there (despite
the earlier listing showing them with their nominal Washington, D.C.
location). However their Web server makes computer-readable recordings
available, as shown in the paragraph above.  I dropped the VOA entries
from here - for the full schedules see
<gopher://gopher.voa.gov/00/voa-sked/hungarian-pgms> and for all the
frequencies <gopher://gopher.voa.gov/00/voa-sked/langs-and-freqs>
(these files can be accessed thru <http://www.voa.gov>; as well as from

<<< Text version of database file follows: >>>
  ID, Type, FREQ, City, ST, PROG, DAY, Time, Address, Tel, Fax 
 KTYM , AM ,, INGLEWOOD , CA ,1,,,,,
 WVOF , FM ,, FAIRFIELD , CT ,2,,,,,
 WNDU , AM ,, SOUTH BEND , IN ,1,,,,,
 WSBT , AM ,, SOUTH BEND , IN ,1,,,,,
 WRSU , FM ,, NEW BRUNSWICK , NJ ,1,,,,,
 WCSB , FM ,, CLEVELAND , OH ,1,,,,,
 WKTX , AM ,, CORTLAND , OH ,12,,,,,
 WKTL , FM ,, STRUTHERS , OH ,1,,,,,
 WIBF , FM ,, JENKINTOWN , PA ,1,,,,,
 WMZK , AM , 680 , DETROIT , MI ,1, FRI , 2100-2200 ,,,
 WNYE , TV , 25 , NEW YORK , NY ,0.5, SAT , 1500-1530 ,,,
 TCI , CABLE ,, WESTCHESTER County , NY ,,,,,,
      , AM , 1380 , NEW YORK , NY ,1, SUN , 1200-1300 ,,,
 WQRP , FM ,, DAYTON , OH ,3, SUN , 0900-1200 ,,,
 WNVC , TV , 56 , FALLS CHURCH , VA ,0.5, SAT , 0800-0830 ,, 1-703-698-9682 ,
 CKJS , AM , 810 , WINNIPEG, MANITOBA , CN ,0.5, SAT , 2000-2030 ,, 1-204-477-1
221 ,
      , FM , 105.9 , NEW YORK , NY ,2, SUN , 1200-1400 ,,,
      , SW , 25 m ,, PA ,0.25, TH , 1645-1700 ,,,
 TELSTAR , SAT , 22 ,, NA ,,,,,,
 GALAXY-4 , SAT , 23 ,, NA ,0.5, M-F , 1930-200 ,,,
 GALAXY-4 , SAT , 23 ,, NA ,0.5, SAT , 1730-1800 ,,,
 ASC-1 , SAT , 23 ,, NA ,0,,,,,
 VATICANA , SW ,,, IT ,0,,,,,
 CBN , SAT ,,, NA ,0,,,,,
 CBC , SW ,, TORONTO , CD ,,,,,,
 BBC , SW ,, LONDON , UK ,,,,,,
     , SW , 3250 , BIRMINGHAM , AL ,1, D , 0700-0755 ,,,
          ,, 830 , CLEVELAND , OH ,,,,,,
 DEUTSCHE W , SW ,,, GE ,0,,,,,
 WCPN , FM , 90.3 , CLEVELAND , OH ,1,,,,,

<<< end of database listing >>>

 Andy Vadasz <mailto:> posted the following:
+In a May 14 message, I reported (in part):
+> their current 9870 kHz will change to 9840 kHz starting May.21. Not clear
+>whether the change is for the entire 3 hour transmission (including
+>Hungarian and English language programs). 
+More recently the new arrangement has been posted on the "Radio Budapest"
+webpage: http://www.eunet.hu/radio/   To summarize. the North America beam
+is broadcast on 9840 and 11870 kHz with the following breakdown
+Starting time (UTC)     Language    Beam orientation
+00:00                   Hungarian    N.America East
+01:00                   English      N.America East
+01:30                   Hungarian    N.America West
+02:30                   English      N.America West
+In my area (Northern Virginia) the first two segments have been fair to good
+on 9840 kHz.

- --
 Zoli , keeper of <http://www.hix.com/hungarian-faq/>;
*SELLERS BEWARE: I will never buy anything from companies associated
*with inappropriate online advertising (unsolicited commercial email,
*excessive multiposting etc), and discourage others from doing so too!

Version: 2.6.2

+ - Re: Interesting ... (mind) VÁLASZ  Feladó: (cikkei)

Zoltan_Manyoki_HL_SP_PE_DES > wrote:
>What, in your opinion, is permanent?  If a Hungarian citizen is not at 
>home for a couple years (because of work, study or travel around the 
>wold or _whatever_), is that permanent enough to be denied the right 
>to vote.  Don't come with the nonsense, that "they just have to go home 
>for that".  There _are_ acceptable reasons for anybody not to be at home 
>at the time of the elections.

Well, Zoltan, I hope you understand the real underlying motivation for
that stance; it's envy, poor and simple.  The rest is only a thinly
veiled cover for that envy.

Most long time Hungarian exiles who lost touch with the home country
wouldn't bother to vote abroad, anyway.  The ones who would are the ones
like us, who kept their fingers on the pulse of Hungarian public affairs
through close relatives and friends, regular visits, media and now the
best of it all, the Internet.

>Other countries, such as Canada of whom I am a citizen, can afford that 
>kind of generosity.

Not to mention other, smaller countries right in Hungary's neighborhood.

+ - Re: Another Example of Slovak Intolerance (mind) VÁLASZ  Feladó: (cikkei)

Kristina Szurek > wrote:

>Don't be fooled by the size. A 'tiny country like Slovakia' is capable
>of HUGE surprises.  (By the way, Magyaria is just as tiny, and look at
>the size of the bellicose bullies coming out of there.)

HUGE surprises, eh?  I'll be eagerly waiting for them, but I'm afraid
those surprises might only come due to the Slovak militants not
realizing their limitations.  You know, "the mouse that roared" kind ...

And, please, by all means, point out those bellicose bullies and their
statements justifying the title.  But refuting Slovak attacks on
Hungarians don't count.

By the way, how is that job search going?  Have you landed that first
professional job at least?

Good luck!

Joe Pannon
+ - Isn t she lovely... ? was: Re: Mr. Frajkor, listowner (mind) VÁLASZ  Feladó: (cikkei)

>In article >  (Kristina 
Szurek) writes:>>From:  (Kristina Szurek)
>>Subject: Re: Mr. Frajkor, listowner of Slovak-L
>>Date: 30 Aug 1996 13:39:17 GMT

>>As a therapist, I deal with a lot of people that have various handicaps,
>>Calling people names, insulting people on the 'Net, leaving useless
>>messages (Mr. Lewinsky), are not very productive postings.
>>Remember, the 'Net is run by people, there is no governing body.
>>If this, or other, newsgroup deterriaorates to name-calling
>>and insulting, people will move elsewhere.

Well, here is posting of Ms. Szurek from other list:

>From:  (Kristina Szurek)
>Subject: Re: mR. A Albu - SMRDIS  CESNAKOM !
>Date: 30 Aug 1996 13:54:05 GMT
>Drahy pan Kokot Lewinski je mi luto ze nevies citat po Slovensky, ale
>Mr. Alban, ktory smrdi cesnakom, bol ten ktory propagoval nenavist
>a superioritu voci jednotlivcom a narodom, co je tak isto trestne.  Neviem
>odkial mas tie reci o fasizme, ale uz si pomaly zvykam na vsetky tie
>blbosti co sa rodia v tvojej gebuli.  Lepsie by si stravil cas keby si
>sa dal na kolienka a odprosil Slovensky narod za odpustenie.

>[Sorry to those that have to read this, I usually try to post productive
>postings, but Mr. Lewinski is communicating through insults on the 'Net.
>His intelligence is preventing him from understanding any other
>form of discussion.]

Isn't she a lovely loser?

+ - Re: Mr. Frajkor, listowner of Slovak-L (mind) VÁLASZ  Feladó: (cikkei)

: First of all, Miss Kristina Szurek is neither a professional nor a 
: scholar. 
Very nice intro :-) your ignorance is aparent from the very first line
of your posting.  An achievement of a Bachelor degree consists of
4 years of full-time studies which in my book is a scholar.
I have worked for various agencies throughout Toronto before (full
time) and during my studies (part-time, summers), and am currently
self-employed.  You may have doubts about me being a professional, but my
clients don't.

: This girl just obtained (June 1996) a Bachelor degree in Child
: psychology from York University 
I do not know where you get your information from, but the information
is incorrect.

: she is not on the list 
: of students anymore, she still seems to enjoy her privilege of using her 
: E-mail account. 
By default, many universities in Canada leave e-mail accounts open for 
graduating students (times vary from 2-6 months, University of Waterloo,
University of Toronto, Seneca College, Ryerson College to mention a few).
This is done as a friendly guesture (something you know nothing about)
to allow students to sort things out, and also many students return
back for graduate studies, so it saves university some work in
disabling and enabling accounts.  My account is perfectly legal,
I don't know what your problem is.

By the way don't be so quick to assume my marital status and age.
Have you ever heard of adult students in schools?  I could be 50 for all
you know.  Oh, you probably never even went to school.

Why all this work Roman?  You are trying to find our more about me?
I'm flattered.  All the info you presented is publicly available, and 
if you had sent me e-mail, I would have saved you half the time trying 
to find out.

YES, I AM LOOKING FOR WORK.  Roman was right, currently I need
more clients (thank you for the 'Good luck' wishes, I need them).
If you have a child or adult, perhaps yourself, suffering from 
head injuries, autism, developmental delays,... please contact me.
I can also send you a brochure outlining our services, we are located
in Toronto, Ontario.  Speak fluently English, Slovak and Hungarian.
Do you, Mr. Kanala, need some counselling or therapy?

Sorry, I didn't finish the rest of your posting, it got too boring.
Big words, no content....it's called BULL SHIT in our university
+ - Re: Radio Telephone (mind) VÁLASZ  Feladó: (cikkei)

In article >,  wrote:
>Tudna valaki segiteni?!Szeretnek valakit elerni Magyarorszagon a
>Azonban mindig csak egy uzenetet kapok a "radio telephone ceg" -tol mi
>szerint a telephone most nem kapcsolhato.Ami furcsa mert a koma pest
>kozeleben tartozkodik.
>Tudomasom szerint minden radio telefont a 06-tal kell hivni a
>telefonszamot kovetoen,azonban a 06 nem mukodik innen tavhivas eseten.
>Es mi a helyzett hogyha a hivott fel nem Magyarorszagon tartozkodik
>hanem (kamionsofor) barhol Europaban.Ha Magyarorszagrol akarjuk elerni
>akkor ugyanugy a 06+tel.szam-al hivjuk.De innen Kanadabol kell az
>orszag es varos kodja is.
06 a Magyarorszagon beluli tavhivas kodja. Minden maroktelefon (bunkofon, 
tahofon) tavhivasnak szamit.
Ha a szam 06 XXXXXXX volt, kulfoldrol YY 36 XXXXXXX szamon erheto el a boldog 
tulajdonos ahol YY az adott orszag nemzetkozi hivast kezdemenyezo eloszama, 
legtobbszor 00.
Teljesen mindegy hol van az illeto, ez a telefonjanak a szama, ezen erheto el.
(jobb rendszerek egy ido utan eszreveszik, hogy a hivott fel kozelebb van mint 
az anyaorszag es "levagjak a kanyart" aminek a szamla mekkorasagan is 
tukrozodnie kellene)
Mindez persze csak akkor mukodik ha a maroktelefon/bunkofon/tahofon be van 

Szaszvari Peter
+ - Re: Radio Telephone (mind) VÁLASZ  Feladó: (cikkei)

In article > Peter Szaszvari,
>Probaljunk elkepzelni egy kis falut Magyarorszagon ahova az osszes GSM-es 
>ossze van zarva (igen szorakoztato kep). Ennek a falunak 20 a korzetszama.

Ugyes hasonlat. A 20-as korzetszamu falut ugy hivjak, hogy PannonGSM,
a 30-as korzetszamut, hogy Westel900.  Bar ugy tudom -ezt meg nem
probaltam- hogy a ket falu egymast korzetszam nelkul hivhatja.

+ - Re: Another Example of Slovak Intolerance (mind) VÁLASZ  Feladó: (cikkei)

#In article >,  

#>>       joe alias pannon is a hungarian (ako repa, i'd like to add)
#>Is Igor an alias for Ignor(e)?  I wonder ...

	nix.   unlike "pannon", it is a recognized and fairly well
	known name.   it comes from the vikings (yngvar, or ingvar,
	meaning remotely something like young wolf), and it apparently
	changed spelling along with pronounciation after the vikings
	moved into the easterly areas comprising today's central russia.
+ - Re: Mr. Frajkor, listowner of Slovak-L (mind) VÁLASZ  Feladó: (cikkei)

#In article >,  says...

#>and insulting, people will move elsewhere.

	an unprofessional (but useful) advice from someone who is not
	a psychologist:

	1. do not admit kanala as your patient.   you will soon need
	2. do not think you can ignore him.   he will always find a      
           slander or two to attract your attention.
+ - Re: Interesting ... (mind) VÁLASZ  Feladó: (cikkei)

Peter Szaszvari > wrote:

>In my infinite stupidity I call everybody foreigner who permanently lives 
>abroad even if he is a citizen of Hungary.

That explains it then.

+ - English Man looking for Hungarian Penfriends (mind) VÁLASZ  Feladó: (cikkei)

Hogy van?
A nevem Ray Woodhouse.Angol , harminchet eves, mernok vagyok.
Lakom Brownhills. A Brownhills a Birmingham folott van.
Birmingham nem nagyon szep,hanem nem rossz.
Szerintem Budapest nagyon szep varos. En most Magyarul tanulok.
<End of my Hungarian!>
I am looking for an intelligent,female Pen Friend to write to me in
Hungarian. I will write back in English/some Hungarian.
I am also looking for possible romance/friendship.

Can you help? Tudna segiteni?
Ray Woodhouse        EMail: 
+ - Re: Mr. Frajkor, listowner of Slovak-L (mind) VÁLASZ  Feladó: (cikkei)

#In article >,  says...

#>recourse. Mr. Frajkor knows that I am a Slovak 
#>Roman Kanala

	the underscored text is a public insult to all slovaks
	and slovakia.
+ - Re: Another Example of Slovak Intolerance (mind) VÁLASZ  Feladó: (cikkei)

On 31 Aug 1996  wrote:

> Kristina Szurek > wrote:
> >Don't be fooled by the size. A 'tiny country like Slovakia' is capable
> >of HUGE surprises.  (By the way, Magyaria is just as tiny, and look at
> >the size of the bellicose bullies coming out of there.)
> HUGE surprises, eh?  I'll be eagerly waiting for them, but I'm afraid
> those surprises might only come due to the Slovak militants not
> realizing their limitations.  You know, "the mouse that roared" kind ...


> Joe Pannon

You love this indeed... Both of you.


Peter Hakel
+ - Re: Interesting ... (mind) VÁLASZ  Feladó: (cikkei)

Istvan Szucs > wrote:
>Can you really not see the difference between Bosnian
>refugees of the last 3 years and Hungarian emigrees leaving
>Hungarian reality 40 years ago?

Hungarian law does not allow voting in absentia even if a citizen is 3
years abroad.  Besides, I only used that news item as an apropos to
focus attention to the different relationship between Hungary and her
diaspora versus most other countries of the world.  As I recall, now
even Russians abroad will be able to vote on Russian elections.
But then, Hungarians always liked to think they know better, right?
No wonder they dug themselves into the hole they are in.

+ - Re: Mail order (mind) VÁLASZ  Feladó: (cikkei)

 (Istvan Szucs) wrote:

>WHere do you get Hungarian food in NY?

Try the Yorkville Packing House on 2nd Avenue at 81st Street.  Also try
Tibor on 2nd Avenue ... I think it was 79th or 80th Streets.

>The russian stores come close for a lot cheaper, but hte
>quality is much  much lower.

Know of any that have mail order?

+ - Re: Everybody Fuck Otto J. Makela (mind) VÁLASZ  Feladó: (cikkei)

On Fri, 28 Jun 1996 02:05:32 -0400, "Otto J. Makela"
> wrote:

>> >Alanis Morissette wrote:
>> >|> > > >Everybody   Fuck Otto J. Makela
>> >|> > > >Everybody   Fuck Otto J. Makela
>> >|> > > >Everybody   Fuck Otto J. Makela
>I'm Otto J. Makela, and cut it out, cuz CHRIST MY ASS HURTS.

Is it ok now ? 
Can we make a new rush ?
+ - Re: Interesting ... (mind) VÁLASZ  Feladó: (cikkei)

Istvan Szucs > wrote:

>Except that many of them have lost touch but don't realize
>it, or admit it even to themsleves. THey go as far as claim
>that they know better (as a group or individually) and are
>as effected by it as people who live home, and in fact those
>who live home just mess things up and THEY shoud be the
>premier decision makers. 

This is exactly that thinly veiled cover wrapped in sophistry I was
talking about.  The fact is, you are in no position to judge whether
somebody like me lost touch with Hungarian reality or not.  For every
one of us here, I could show you one back in Hungary who has no idea
what goes on in Hungarian politics.  In fact, I am always flabbergasted
on my visits back there how little they know about their own affairs.
>But that is insufficient. (in my opinion). you kept your
>finger on it, but they are IN it. You hear about it, perhaps
>seek out information about it - they live it. 

That's the problem. They can't see the forest from the trees.
That's why they keep going back to what they are familiar with, such as
electing the same Commies back to power, instead of trying something new for
a change.  In Hungary's history the catalysts for progress were always
those who spent some time in the West and upon their return they tried
to implement what they learned abroad. Be it craftsmen, artists, or
noblemen, for that matter.  You and your ilk are trying to deny the same
process and we all see the results of it: a rapid sinking of Hungary
from the 2nd world status to the 3rd world level.


+ - Re: Mr. Frajkor, listowner of Slovak-L (mind) VÁLASZ  Feladó: (cikkei)

In article >,
Kristina Szurek > wrote:
>If you have a child or adult, perhaps yourself, suffering from
>head injuries, autism, developmental delays,... please contact me.
>Do you, Mr. Kanala, need some counselling or therapy?

He probably does, but you can also try your luck with Wally Keeler and Ms. 
Bali. They live in Toronto, and most likely need lobotomies to ease their pain.
Treating them could pave your way to fame and fortune!
