Hollosi Information eXchange /HIX/
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Megrendelés Lemondás
1 looking for pictures (mind)  26 sor     (cikkei)
2 looking for pictures (mind)  26 sor     (cikkei)
3 Re: looking for pictures (mind)  10 sor     (cikkei)
4 Re: question from an outsider. (mind)  40 sor     (cikkei)
5 Re: question from an outsider. (mind)  41 sor     (cikkei)
6 Speaking of dogs..... (mind)  23 sor     (cikkei)
7 Re: Mr. Francis O Akenami------>official Internet Bigot (mind)  31 sor     (cikkei)
8 Re: Homan Balint (elotte: Egy kerdes) (mind)  26 sor     (cikkei)
9 Re: question from an outsider. (mind)  33 sor     (cikkei)
10 Re: question from an outsider. (mind)  28 sor     (cikkei)
11 Re: question from an outsider. (mind)  20 sor     (cikkei)
12 Avram Iancu; Oali to DBrutus (mind)  68 sor     (cikkei)
13 Re: word order (was Re: Hungarian and ...) (mind)  13 sor     (cikkei)
14 Re: question from an outsider. (mind)  19 sor     (cikkei)
15 Immigration Newsgroup? (mind)  3 sor     (cikkei)
16 Re: question from an outsider. (mind)  108 sor     (cikkei)
17 Re: RE: Eminescu and Bessarabia+A.IANCU-3/ Some reflect (mind)  50 sor     (cikkei)
18 Re: Magyar (mind)  20 sor     (cikkei)
19 Re: question from an outsider. (mind)  19 sor     (cikkei)
20 Re: Do you have the Hungarian version of Scrabble? (mind)  36 sor     (cikkei)
21 Re: question from an outsider. (mind)  18 sor     (cikkei)
22 Re: Egy kerdes (mind)  22 sor     (cikkei)

+ - looking for pictures (mind) VÁLASZ  Feladó: (cikkei)

Here is a project where anybody with a photo camera could participate.  
I am an artist living in new York. I was born in Bogota Colombia. And I
have created a photographic agency. it is called future picture press
agency. It is not a normal press agency. You do not need to be a
professional photographer to be part of it. 
I am interested in the pictures that you take, during your life, trips,
birthdays, family, whatever pictures you take and think that are important
to your personal history.  
So all you would need to do would be to send me an message telling me that
you are interested.  I would send you my address, and request that you send
me 2 passport pictures of yourself. This are for the press pass that I
would send you so that you become a legitimate journalist in the eyes of
(You can also probably use it to see special events that you want to
attend, concerts, sports or whatever other event that you think would be
important for the world to remember).  
There is no certain amount of pictured that you have to send, all I ask is
that you send me some, at least 10 a year. These photos that you would send
me, I would keep in an archive. and would wish that one day this archive is
made public through one form or another. At this moment I am writing a
couple grants. one of those grants is to design a web site to show the
pictures that would become part of the archive.   
So what do you think? Would you like to participate in this important
If so, I hope to hear from you soon. 
+ - looking for pictures (mind) VÁLASZ  Feladó: (cikkei)

Here is a project where anybody with a photo camera could participate.  
I am an artist living in new York. I was born in Bogota Colombia. And I
have created a photographic agency. it is called future picture press
agency. It is not a normal press agency. You do not need to be a
professional photographer to be part of it. 
I am interested in the pictures that you take, during your life, trips,
birthdays, family, whatever pictures you take and think that are important
to your personal history.  
So all you would need to do would be to send me an message telling me that
you are interested.  I would send you my address, and request that you send
me 2 passport pictures of yourself. This are for the press pass that I
would send you so that you become a legitimate journalist in the eyes of
(You can also probably use it to see special events that you want to
attend, concerts, sports or whatever other event that you think would be
important for the world to remember).  
There is no certain amount of pictured that you have to send, all I ask is
that you send me some, at least 10 a year. These photos that you would send
me, I would keep in an archive. and would wish that one day this archive is
made public through one form or another. At this moment I am writing a
couple grants. one of those grants is to design a web site to show the
pictures that would become part of the archive.   
So what do you think? Would you like to participate in this important
If so, I hope to hear from you soon. 
+ - Re: looking for pictures (mind) VÁLASZ  Feladó: (cikkei)

In article >,
Matias Jaramillo > wrote:
>Here is a project where anybody with a photo camera could participate.  
>I am an artist living in new York. I was born in Bogota Colombia. 

Are you sure you were not born in Nigeria?  This sure smells like one of
those Nigerian con games CBS 60 Minutes was featuring.

+ - Re: question from an outsider. (mind) VÁLASZ  Feladó: (cikkei)

>From:  ()

>>... and ensure that people understand that the child
>>*does* have different opinions of the father and that what the
>>father did was wrong. An apology for those who unjustly died
>>under colonial rule, an apology for those who died liberating
>>Romania, an apology for all those irredentists who even today
>>continue to demand the reconstitution of the empire. Is it so 
>>much to ask?

>For Hungarians it's not only too much to ask, but is brazen
>impertinence.  That follows from the different version of history

This thread started with why don't Romanians vote for
Hungarians. Read the above two lines and ask yourself, why
would *anyone* vote for someone who refuses to reassure 
you on a basic fear and then calls you impertinent for having
worries about a return to foreign domination. 

In a democracy the electorate can be many things but it can
never be impertinent. Impertinent people are people who are 
beneath you who dare rise above their station. I think the
question of Romanians coolness to the UDMR type of Hungarian
has been answered. The coolness is well deserved due to 
attitudes such as those above.

>try to force a change in it.  But what they definitely won't do is to
>accept the Romanian version of Transylvania's history.  So it's best
>to just realize that and make the best out of that situation.

You've been talking about the Hungarian version of history but
you haven't been speaking much about it. I'm not interested in
hearing about original occupation rights but more recent history.
why should Hungarians have any sort of territorial claims in
Transylvania. Why shouldn't the Romanian majority have self-rule?
Why should a minority rule over us?

In the tradition of Publius, Cato, and Centinel...
Decius Brutus
+ - Re: question from an outsider. (mind) VÁLASZ  Feladó: (cikkei)

In article >, DBrutus > wrote:
>This thread started with why don't Romanians vote for
>Hungarians. Read the above two lines and ask yourself, why
>would *anyone* vote for someone who refuses to reassure 
>you on a basic fear and then calls you impertinent for having
>worries about a return to foreign domination. 

That basic fear is your problem.  I guess I would have a bad conscience,
too, if I obtained something the way Romanians obtained Transylvania. 

>The coolness is well deserved due to 
>attitudes such as those above.

What goes around, comes around.

>You've been talking about the Hungarian version of history but
>you haven't been speaking much about it. I'm not interested in
>hearing about original occupation rights but more recent history.
>why should Hungarians have any sort of territorial claims in
>Transylvania. Why shouldn't the Romanian majority have self-rule?
>Why should a minority rule over us?

Who was talking about a minority ruling over you?  But since you brought
it up, let me tell you my opinion about such blind application of
majority rules: applying that principle, one better does not invite more
guest to his house than the number of immediate family members, because
the guests might take over the house by claiming they are in majority.
If shifting ethnic balance can be a basis to challenging ownership to
the real estate, any country that takes in immigrants or refugees from
neighboring countries is acting against her self interest.
Unfortunately, Hungary became a victim of her generosity admitting
immigrants who eventually "took over the house", as I described it

Yes, I know, this does not fit into your version of history, but hey! --
who said Hungarians have to accept what the "Scoala Ardeleana" came up
with at the end of the 18th century and you guys keep trying to prove
ever since?

+ - Speaking of dogs..... (mind) VÁLASZ  Feladó: (cikkei)

May I again impose on readers of this list to share their Kuvasz stories 
with our Kuvasz-list?

Readers here may also find it amusing that one topic on Kuvasz-l that is 
certain to start flame wars is..... The Kuvasz originated in Sumeria!!!!

To subscribe to Kuvasz-l, simply send a message to

this one line   
subscribe kuvasz-l

You may also send your stories to me with your permission on post them on 

Thank you very much,

Gail S. Dash

Gail S. Dash    and Kuvaszok Ilsa Lund of Ghosthill, CD, CGC and 
               Ch. Ghosthill's Victor Laszlo      

+ - Re: Mr. Francis O Akenami------>official Internet Bigot (mind) VÁLASZ  Feladó: (cikkei)

In article >  (mostapha S
aout) writes:
>From:  (mostapha Saout)
>Subject: Mr. Francis O Akenami------>official Internet Bigot
>Date: 30 Jun 1995 16:41:15 GMT

>In > 
>(Francis O Akenami) writes: 
>>Fellow netters,
>>Can anyone who attended the Morrocan party give a testimony of how it
>>went. From my experience here,a  morrocan party is not safe for anyone
>>to attend.
>>All the morrocans in Helsinki do is to fight, drink and smoke (all
>>They never hesitate to use knives and bottles.
>>Is the Washington experience different?
>  Mr Francis posting such a racist bigoted statement that describes a
>entire people in such manner makes you THE racist/bigoted/biased FLAG
>BEARER of internet, especially that you posted it to all newsgroups.

I only have one question: WHY IS THIS THING HERE?

+ - Re: Homan Balint (elotte: Egy kerdes) (mind) VÁLASZ  Feladó: (cikkei)

In article >,
T. Kocsis  > wrote:

>Népbírósági perében először halálra akarják ítélni, de mivel
>az említett minisztertanácsi részvételen túl másban nem
>találják háborús bünösnek, "csak" életfogytiglani fegyházra
>ítélik. 1949-ig a pesti gyüjtőben tartották, a raboktól el-
>lesett tolvajnyelv szókincsből szótárt is készített, mes-
>terséget tanult. 1949-ben -a rendszerváltás idején - Vácra
>viszik. Gyakran megverik, hidegvízzel locsolják, a pribékek
>levizelik. A 130 kilóról 60-ra lefogyott cukorbajos ember
>1951 júniusában meghal. Halálát csak a Rákosi-rendszer
>első megingása után, 1953-ban hozzák nyilvánosságra, ak-
>kori dátummal.

Koszonom, Tamas, a reszletes Homan eletrajzot.  Ezek szerint vagy en
tevesztettem ossze halala korulmenyeit valaki massal, vagy annak az
ujsagcikknek az iroja, ahol ezt valoszinuleg olvastam.  Annyi kozos
azert volt a ket valtozatban, hogy halalahoz az ehezes erosen
hozzajarulhatott.  Mivel ugy tudom nagy darab ember volt, a 60-kilora
valo lefogyas valoban ehhalalt sejtet.  Csak hat nem az ostrom idejen.
Ezek utan azert kivancsi lennek hogyan vegezte Szekfu Gyula.
Tudsz errol is valamit?

+ - Re: question from an outsider. (mind) VÁLASZ  Feladó: (cikkei)

>From:  ()

>Romanian "patriots"?  Frankly, the stories about the same event differ
>sharply depending on the side of the teller.  I, naturally, give more
>credence to the Hungarian side, you to the Romanian side.  It would help
>a great deal if we could see some more convincing evidence than hearsay
>from people who weren't even there.  How about some "incriminating"

Fine, would you like me to send an binhexed quicktime movie to
your mailbox in all 9,435 parts?  B->
<<note, for those who are humor impaired, this was a sarcastic
offer that will never be fulfilled. I don't believe in mailbombing>>

Seriously, I do find it a bit insulting that you *assume* that I
would be biased on nationalist lines. The truth is that I really
haven't heard "the Hungarian side" laid out in any coherent fashion.
I don't have much criteria to judge Hungarian grievances since
Hungarians don't seem to bother treating me like someone who
might have a sense of justice. After all I *am* Romanian so I
have to be some biased rube that is not worth a simple appeal to
justice. You certainly didn't make one.

As for hearsay evidence. My witness was and is a resident of 
Tirgu Mures where some of the worst inter-ethnic conflicts 
happened. She is no fire-breathing radical but a dedicated doctor
who doesn't much give a hoot about politics. This isn't hearesay,
this is valid eyewitness information.

In the tradition of Publius, Cato, and Centinel...
Decius Brutus
+ - Re: question from an outsider. (mind) VÁLASZ  Feladó: (cikkei)

>From:  ()

> DBrutus > wrote:
>>Politics is the art of dealing with real people as well as
>>well as ideological warfare. When you have a whole generation
>>of seniors who *were around* when Hungary was colonial
>>master and rightfully fear a return of foreign domination, 
>>when you have had communist leaders whipping up the fear
>>of Hungarian irredentism and renewed colonial administration
>>of Transylvania,

>Decius, Decius ...  You are getting caught up in your own rhetorics.
>How could Hungarians practice "colonial" administration in their 
>own country?

The USSR claimed the Baltic states as provinces yet could you
possibly claim that they were not practicing colonial 
administration? The majority of Transylvanians voted for an
exit out from under Hungarian rule. Hitler placed half of 
Transylvania back under Hungarian rule not because of any 
self-determination movements but because this was the 
Hungarians price for support in WWII. Romanians who were 
born there and left could not come back including my own father.
Is my fathers forced separation from his parents during his
childhood something to be proud of?

In the tradition of Publius, Cato, and Centinel...
Decius Brutus
+ - Re: question from an outsider. (mind) VÁLASZ  Feladó: (cikkei)

In article >  (DBrutus) writes:
>>From:  ()
>[...] I think the
>question of Romanians coolness to the UDMR type of Hungarian
>has been answered. The coolness is well deserved due to 
>attitudes such as those above.

Those above (Joe Pannon's) are far from UDMR, the few TS Hungarians
posting (some in Romanian) are more representative as far as I can see.

>[...] why should Hungarians have any sort of territorial claims in
>Transylvania. Why shouldn't the Romanian majority have self-rule?
>Why should a minority rule over us?

Your argument can be read "why shouldn't Szekely people have self-rule?
why should the Romanian minority of these counties rule over them?"
No to "rule" (= dictatorship of X over Y), rather cooperation and common

-- Olivier
+ - Avram Iancu; Oali to DBrutus (mind) VÁLASZ  Feladó: (cikkei)

In > Wally Keeler wrote:
>>Avrum Iancu, you ole revolutionary you. Welcome back to SCR via
>>Anon. Did you bump into your evolutionary mutation, Corny
>>CodreAnus? He comes thru the Anon service also, so it would be
>>logical to suspect you may be rhetorical buddies.

<<long Romanian nationalist call to arms deleted>>

In Message-ID: > Decius Brutus wrote:
>There are multiple organizations that take the name of Avram
>Iancu. He was a Romanian patriot and a great hero of our nation.

>I happen to belong to one of them, the Avram Iancu society in
>NY. It gets about as revolutionary as any insurance fraternal gets
>and you know how nasty and dangerous those insurance fraternals
>are. You are mixing up Codreanu with Iancu is more than a bit 
>insulting to me but I guess, by now, I should cease to expect any
>sort of apology for rude behavior on your part.

I did not write the "long nationalist call to arms". It was some of your
compatriots who wrote that extremist anti-Hungarian tract. It was they who
invoked Avram Iancu's name, not me. I did not do the mixing up. The content of
the "long nationalist call to arms" as you euphemistically put it, is an
insult to me, a threat to your Hungarian neighbours, and it should be an
insult to you. You are mixing up the bearer of the message with the author of
the mjessage. You should address your hurt pride to those who created the
message. If anyone owes you an apology, it is the authors of the "long
nationalist call to arms" who invoked the name of Avram Iancu. Correct me if I
am wrong, but I don't believe Avram Iancu was motivated by anti-Hungarian
hatred -- but the message carried under his banner by the anonymous authors
are the ones who have committed the rude behaviour that has insulted you, so
don't use me as your whipping boy.

>Hey after all you're a poet (as you keep insisting . . . 

I keep insisting only because you and your compatriots keep insisting the
implication that I am not. Leave it alone and so shall I.

> . . . except when it turns >inconvenient, then you're not).

What is this expectation that poets should be consistent? I'm not a politician
-- I'm a poetician. I will do what ever is convenient to me and to my
advantage. If you have difficulties with that, so be it. It is of no concern
to me. The internationally reknown artist, Michael Snow, at a major
retrospective of his work, said "First of all I make up the rules of a game,
then I play it. If I appear to be losing, I change the rules." It's quite
simple, effective, and I like it this way.

>Grow up, lurk a bit, get a bit more selective in your targets 
>because you are starting to annoy me and unlike some of your other
>targets I'm no brainless strawman.

I have no doubt that you are not a brainless strawman. I don't think your SCR
compatriots will appreciate being referred to as brainless strawmen -- who
precisely are you referring to? Whether I annoy you or not is of absolutely no
concern to me. 

>In the tradition of Publius, Cato, and Centinel...
>Decius Brutus

In the tradition of Keats, Shelley, and Byron . . .
Wally Keeler
(isn't that enormously presumptuous of me?)
Wally Keeler					Poetry
Creative Intelligence Agency			is
Peoples Republic of Poetry			Poetency
+ - Re: word order (was Re: Hungarian and ...) (mind) VÁLASZ  Feladó: (cikkei)

Jeliko ) wrote:
: "Words of the World Unite. You can loose nothing but your meaning."
: Regards,Jeliko

Is this your quote Jeliko? I love it. I delight in this use of 
reconfiguring of established  formula. I would like to use it and to 
attribute it correctly, so that I why I ask if you are the author of this 

Wally Keeler					Poetry
Creative Intelligence Agency			is
Peoples Republic of Poetry			Poetency
+ - Re: question from an outsider. (mind) VÁLASZ  Feladó: (cikkei)

In article >,
CLARY Olivier > wrote:
>Those above (Joe Pannon's) are far from UDMR, the few TS Hungarians
>posting (some in Romanian) are more representative as far as I can see.

It would help if you pointed out more specifically which opinion of mine
you were referring to, but I never claimed mine represented UDMR's.
But then, even in UDMR, the opinions of Bela Marko and Bishop Tokes
diverge from each other in some areas.  So what's the big deal?

As to the TS Hungarian posters on this group, I'm not even sure they
themselves are representative of the educated Hungarians in Transylvania
because the more radical ones on the subject would not even post their
opinion in public for obvious reasons.  Or they would tend to tone it
down for the same reason.  However, I've known quite a few ones for whom
I sound too moderate and accomodating.

+ - Immigration Newsgroup? (mind) VÁLASZ  Feladó: (cikkei)

Is there a newsgroup where immigration and all its ramifications once a
person gets to the USA is discussed.
Thank you!
+ - Re: question from an outsider. (mind) VÁLASZ  Feladó: (cikkei)

In article >, DBrutus > wrote:

>Fine, would you like me to send an binhexed quicktime movie to
>your mailbox in all 9,435 parts?  B->
><<note, for those who are humor impaired, this was a sarcastic
>offer that will never be fulfilled. I don't believe in mailbombing>>

Sure.  I got you.  Of course I did not expect you to send me any movie
files, only references to some Western news archive sources that
document the fact that Hungarians tore down Romanian flags from Romanian
municipal buildings and placed their own national flag in its place.
And I don't mean references, such as "Mr. Vulpescu says ...". 
>Seriously, I do find it a bit insulting that you *assume* that I
>would be biased on nationalist lines.

Oh heavens forbid! -- Who would assume such a thing of a Romanian?

> The truth is that I really
>haven't heard "the Hungarian side" laid out in any coherent fashion.

Maybe you haven't read about the Transylvania issue from Hungarian
sources.  Whose problem is that?  You might find several books from
Hungarian authors on that subject in your local library.

>I don't have much criteria to judge Hungarian grievances since
>Hungarians don't seem to bother treating me like someone who
>might have a sense of justice. After all I *am* Romanian so I
>have to be some biased rube that is not worth a simple appeal to
>justice. You certainly didn't make one.

You have already shown your bias with that offensive "colonial" post
of yours, so don't give this BS about your sense of justice and lack
of bias.
>As for hearsay evidence. My witness was and is a resident of 
>Tirgu Mures where some of the worst inter-ethnic conflicts 
>happened. She is no fire-breathing radical but a dedicated doctor
>who doesn't much give a hoot about politics. This isn't hearesay,
>this is valid eyewitness information.

Great!  And most of the Hungarian readers of the HIX lists have also
been treated to a series of reports from the scene on either one of the
lists, or on the HIX gopher.  That's what I meant by either side having
a different version of the same events.  
I wrote:

>>How could Hungarians practice "colonial" administration in their 
>>own country?
To which your response was:

>The USSR claimed the Baltic states as provinces yet could you
>possibly claim that they were not practicing colonial 

This kind of comparison is not only unacceptable to Hungarians, but
plain insulting!  For Hungarians did live a hell of a lot longer in
Transylvania than the Russians in the Baltics.  As a matter of fact,
about as long as in the rest of the Carpathian Basin.  Using your logic,
Hungarians were then practicing colonial rule in the rest of their
country.  An obvious nonsense.

> The majority of Transylvanians voted for an
>exit out from under Hungarian rule.

When was that vote taken?  Don't try to tell me that the Alba Julia
meeting of Romanians and Saxons was a plebiscite!

> Hitler placed half of 
>Transylvania back under Hungarian rule not because of any 
>self-determination movements but because this was the 
>Hungarians price for support in WWII.

The correct way to put this, Hitler returned only about half of formerly
Hungarian ruled Transylvania, so he could play both side against each
other in their race to win back the other half through the "graces" of
an expected victorious Third Reich.

> Romanians who were 
>born there and left could not come back including my own father.
>Is my fathers forced separation from his parents during his
>childhood something to be proud of?

Well, we don't know the circumstances of that, except from your side.
I know from other cases, that many people who in such situation did not
return for fear of what might happen to them, later claimed that they
were "not allowed to return."  So I take your father's story as a
hearsay, if you don't mind, though I am sure in the heated situation as
that was, many injustices were committed on both side.  But this is
still better than what happened to many Szekler Hungarians toward the
end of the war, when Romanian irregulars were returning behind the
Soviet troops in Northern Transylvania and committed countless axe
beheadings in Szekler villages.  These attrocities so outraged even the
Soviets that they tried to put an end to them by establishing direct
Soviet administration in that area.  This was also the reason, why so
many Hungarian ethnics joined the Communist Party; they say it as a life
saver for them.
>In the tradition of Publius, Cato, and Centinel...
>Decius Brutus

You still haven't answered if this was your real name.  Any particular
reason for that?  I am surprised Olivier hasn't put you to task on that
yet! ;-) 

+ - Re: RE: Eminescu and Bessarabia+A.IANCU-3/ Some reflect (mind) VÁLASZ  Feladó: (cikkei)

> -----------------------------------------------------------------------
   I hope that while celebrating July 4  the freedom loving Americans will
also take a minute to reflect on the fate of the less fortunate nations
that are NOW still suffering badly at the hands of the OCCUPYING RUSSIAN
ARMIES, to realize that the Cold War and the 'Holocaust' of some nations
is not over yet,  that we cannot build lasting happiness on the suffering
of others--based on racism and ethnic 'cleansing', and to remember what
happened also in American History when Americans got their freedom.

  Hope they will also reflect on what they should do to correct the
treatment of some smaller nations by the new Russian 'democrats' :  please
consider voting Republican at the coming elections!
> -----------------------------------------------------------------------
OF SMALL NATIONS:   Is this the starting of a NEW 'HOLOCAUST' OF SMALL
 The new Russian paradox is twofold: on the one hand they want to
establish a pro-Russian, "Moldavian" Bessarabia and Bukovina, in parallel
to its other Roumanian half across the river Prut  (that has  been called
"Moldavia", or locally "Moldova" since early medieval times when
Bessarabia got its name from its founder--the Roumanian King Bassarab,
followed by his dinasty). On the other hand, the new Russian 'democrats'
have allowed some form of liberation of the Baltic states--at least the
restoration of their original names and official recognition of their
ethnicity as NON-RUSSIAN. When it comes to other regions like Bessarabia
and Chechnya, however, the Russian 'democrats' will not let go, will not
recognize the true ethnic character of nations that should be free, and
not under continued Russian occupation since 1944!  THESE NEW RUSSIAN
'DEMOCRATS' ARE NOT 'POLITICALLY CORRECT' as they seem to have tried to
pretend for a while in order to get MATERIAL GAINS--MONEY FOR THE NEW
RUSSIAN 'DEMOCRATS'! The very old Russian "Da-vye, da-vye!!!" ( Give-me,
give me !) that Russians used without shame--and sometimes at gun
point--for the last 50 years before 1989 throughout the Russian-dominated
Eastern Europe has NOW been EXPANDED to the affluent West,  where there is
more to be gained from than in the exhausted ole' Eastern Europe!   In
order to work , the new Russian GIVE-ME!, Give-Me!,... has to be
'DEMOCRATIC'.   Yes, the new Russians want 'democracy' for the BIG BOYS , 
but not for the little ones, like Bessarabia or Chechnya!!! The very
well-known Roumanian writer Caragiale once wrote : they "WANT EQUALITY BUT
NOT FOR PUPPY DOGS/ PUPPIES!!!". This new Russian policy should sicken
WEST, not to mention any other decent and freedom-loving person. As long
as such territories like Bessarabia , Chechnya and  others are NOT FREE of
the occupying Russians and their armies there will be no end of the Cold
War.  There can be no end of the Cold War with Russian occupying armies
that deny "little" peoples' FREEDOM!  Yes, there can be "detente", but for
how long?!
+ - Re: Magyar (mind) VÁLASZ  Feladó: (cikkei)

In article >, AND Books > wrote:
>question to tama's, clary and other
>compact liguistics? what is the origin(s) of:
>so:re bor mindenkor
>bora so:r meggyo:to"r????
>o.k. it's late, but i'd like some explanans if possible! :)

I hope it is not too late. Common knowledge in Hungary: If you start partying 
with beer, you can have some wine at the end. If you start with wine and drink 
beer after you'll be drunk, sick and have a terrible hangover (Katzenjammer). 
So a wise folk dude made up these two lines to make it easy to remember the 
safe and dangerous combination. Author unknown.
+ - Re: question from an outsider. (mind) VÁLASZ  Feladó: (cikkei)

CLARY Olivier ) wrote:

: Your argument can be read "why shouldn't Szekely people have self-rule?
: why should the Romanian minority of these counties rule over them?"
: No to "rule" (= dictatorship of X over Y), rather cooperation and common
: aims! 

	I understand why Hungarians are more aware of what is happening 
to Hungarians in Romania - after all, there are cultural, linguistic and 
familial links.  But, lack of basic democracy remains a basic problem for 
all Romanian citizens.  While the present neo-communist government is far 
better than what came just before, it remains profoundly undemocratic.  
Not only do the Szeklers not have the self-government that they crave, 
but neither do the ethnic Romanians - it was just months ago that 100 
opposition mayors were summarily thrown out of office at Illiescu's 
order.  The problem isn't one of ethnic persecution.  It is one of a 
fundamentally undemocratic regime in Bucharest.

+ - Re: Do you have the Hungarian version of Scrabble? (mind) VÁLASZ  Feladó: (cikkei)

In article >,
Dawn Owens-Nicholson > wrote:
> I am  on a scavenger  hunt and I  need a Scrabble  tile worth 6,7, or 9
> points. I have been told that the 'cf' tile and perhaps the 'y' tile in
> the Hungarian version of the game have one of those point values.

 6 points: none
 7 points: cs, ő, ú, ű,
 8 points: ly, zs
 9 points: none
10 points: ty
(hope haven't missed any)

> I would be grateful if I could borrow, buy, or trade you for a tile. If
> you loan me the tile, I can return it to you in  November. I would also
> be willing to purchase the tile from you,  and in any case to reimburse
> your postage.

I  doubt you have enough  money to make me  part  my beloved scrabble ;).
It's marketed under SPEAR's name though, so you  should be able to get it
from them. It is (was) available in some shops  in Hungary, as well; it's
Hungarian distributor is Hasbro Magyarország Kft.

The English version  manual gives the  following address  as the ultimate

     J. W. Spears & Sons PLC, Richard House, Enstone Road, Enfield,
     Middlesex EN3 7TB.

If there's anything else I can do for you let me know.


-,- - - -,- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Gabor J.Toth           http://www.princeton.edu/~jtoth
> - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
+ - Re: question from an outsider. (mind) VÁLASZ  Feladó: (cikkei)

Hermes ) wrote:

: On 1 Jul 1995  wrote:

: > How is that from an "extremist Hungarian nationalist?"
: > Joe

: Worrisome, for I suspect that you do not speak  for the majority of the
: "extremist Hunharian..."

Given that this comes from a Romaniac, I would also be worried.

Wally Keeler					Poetry
Creative Intelligence Agency			is
Peoples Republic of Poetry			Poetency
+ - Re: Egy kerdes (mind) VÁLASZ  Feladó: (cikkei)

Igen, Homan Balint kultuszminiszter volt a kerdezett idopontban, s utana is:
Ez egyesek szerint tulhosszu ido, masok szerint nem.  :-) ?
Egyebkent Homan nem az ostrom alatt halt meg, hanem bekeidoben (?), a vaci
fegyhazban, ahova a magyar Nep(?)birosag kuldte mint "haborus fobunos." 
Erre IS illik emlekeznunk.

Dr. Boros-Kazai Andras, Beloit College

: In article >,
: T. Kocsis  > wrote:

: >Igen, sőt nekem úgy rémlik még igen sokáig, mondhatni
: >túl sokáig miniszter maradt (Szálasi-éra ?).

: Kosz, en csak valami olyasmire emlekszem, hogy szegeny Homan ehenhalt az
: ostrom alatt.

: P.J.