1. |
Re: Gyorgy KoVacuous was Re: Hicks, was Re: Chicks? (mind) |
15 sor |
(cikkei) |
2. |
Re: UJ MAGYAR TALALMANY !!!!! (mind) |
10 sor |
(cikkei) |
3. |
Re: Pistanak megint, (mind) |
34 sor |
(cikkei) |
4. |
Re: UJ MAGYAR TALALMANY !!!!! (mind) |
33 sor |
(cikkei) |
5. |
Re: He is Risen was: Re: Jews: "Know thyself" (mind) |
28 sor |
(cikkei) |
6. |
Re: This guy reminds me on Dima (mind) |
14 sor |
(cikkei) |
7. |
Re: uzenet B.A.-nak (mind) |
31 sor |
(cikkei) |
8. |
Re: The Witlessness of Gabor Barsai was Re: Hicks, was (mind) |
11 sor |
(cikkei) |
9. |
Re: The Witlessness of Gabor Barsai was Re: Hicks, was (mind) |
19 sor |
(cikkei) |
10. |
Need short- or long-term housing in Budapest? (mind) |
5 sor |
(cikkei) |
11. |
Digital Documents Request (mind) |
19 sor |
(cikkei) |
12. |
Looking for Zoltan VAZZ, Ent surgeon from Sagred. (mind) |
6 sor |
(cikkei) |
13. |
Peace is not only ... (mind) |
17 sor |
(cikkei) |
14. |
Re: uzenet B.A.-nak (mind) |
37 sor |
(cikkei) |
15. |
Re: ki kinek drukkol ... (volt: uzenet B.A.-nak) (mind) |
3 sor |
(cikkei) |
16. |
[] Biological Debris of Chick Hicks (mind) |
32 sor |
(cikkei) |
17. |
[] KoVACUOUS is Vertical -- Straight Down (mind) |
24 sor |
(cikkei) |
18. |
[] Gyorgy Kovacs High IQ in spite of all else (mind) |
33 sor |
(cikkei) |
19. |
[] Witlessness of Gabor Barsai, The Sequal (mind) |
15 sor |
(cikkei) |
20. |
[] The Staleness of Gyorgy Kovacs (mind) |
20 sor |
(cikkei) |
21. |
[] Re: Witlessness of Gabor Barsai, The Sequal (mind) |
26 sor |
(cikkei) |
+ - | Re: Gyorgy KoVacuous was Re: Hicks, was Re: Chicks? (mind) |
Feladó: (cikkei)
In article >,
Brigitta Bali > wrote:
(Gabor Barsai) flirts:
>>OOOOOOOOOhhhhhhhhhh, you're sick. I like that in a woman.
(Gyorgy Kovacs)acts dumb:
>|You mean the ugly gland? ;-)
>Kovacuous. Wally Keeler is right.
>Word at the women's dormatory washroom has it that your's is a scrawny
>chicken neck. KoVACUOUS. Ha ha ha. Now that's a witty play on words --
>and so effectively appropriate. Good one Wally.
That was almost funny! Keep up the good work Brigi, with some help you may be
able to think eventually. You'll be surprised when it happens.
+ - | Re: UJ MAGYAR TALALMANY !!!!! (mind) |
Feladó: (cikkei)
In article >, Lajos Laki > wrote:
> Szabo Laszlo budapesti mernok nayszeru talalmanyt szabadalmaztatott az
> elmult ev vegen.
Jol van, eleg lett volna ezt egyszer is beirni. Viszont a leirasbol ugy
tunik, hogy egyszeruen egy szoftverrol van szo, amit itt alig szoktak
talalmanynak nevezni.
J. Pannon
+ - | Re: Pistanak megint, (mind) |
Feladó: (cikkei)
(Istvan Szucs) wrote:
Szucs Istvan, idezve Elek Gabort:
>| En egy darab magyar allampolgar vagyok, es mint szolo magyar polgar,
>| azt tudom ajanlani, hogy ne foglalkozzunk szelsoseges nezetekkel,
>| ne vitatkozzunk veluk, ne probaljuk meggyozni az adott nezetek kepviseloit,
>| esetleg nagyon tomoren kuldjuk el a fenebe, de inkabb azt
>| sem.
>Ezzel nem ertek egyet.Szerintem igenis szukseges hogy aki a
>newsgroupot es egyeb forumokat olvassa realis kepet kapjdon,
>amiben nem csak a szelsosegek vannak benne.
Ebben az esetben en Szucs Istvannak adok igazat. Gyakran olvas az
ember cikkeket peldaul a Forumon emberektol, akik azt a benyomast
szereztek olvasva az magyar elektronikus listakat, hogy minden magyar
aki kulfoldon el (kulonosen az Egyesult Allamokban) szelsojobboldali.
Ez termeszetesen nincs igy, amit mar tobbszor probaltam a Forumon es
masutt leszogezni. Egy "joakaratu" Egyesult Allamokban elo hazankfia
peldaul magan uton tudomasomra hozta, hogy idovel, elobb-utobb, ki fog
kergetni a Forumrol. O fog nyerni, mivel, gondolom ugy hiszi, hogy
idovel nem lesz gyomrom folytatni mindezt. Hogy egyszer csak elegem
lesz abbol a hangnembol, amit szelsojobboldali hazankfiai hasznalnak.
Hat, mar csak azert sem! Sot, probalom megorizni a turelmemet,
probalom elengedni a fulem mellett mindazokat a durvasagokat, amiket a
fejemhez vagnak, es probalok "calm and collected" maradni. Higyjetek
el, hogy neha nagyon nehez mivel en is szeretnek visszavagni . Es
bizony nem is sikerul mindig. Ellenben ha nekunk sikerul megorizni
meltosagunkat es tenyekkel, udvarias modon, sikerul valaszolnunk
durvasagaikra, akkor--es lehet, hogy itt naiv vagyok--talan mindenki
szamara nyilvanvalo lesz, hogy kikkel is allunk szemben.
Balogh Eva
+ - | Re: UJ MAGYAR TALALMANY !!!!! (mind) |
Feladó: (cikkei)
(Lajos Laki) wrote:
> Kedves Olvaso,
> Szabo Laszlo villamos mernok Ur nagyszeru talalmanyt szabadalmaztatott
> a mult ev vegen. A talalmany a mar meglevo GPS (Global Positioning
> System)-re epul. A szabadalom lenyege egy ujfajta "bar-code"-val
> ellatott kartya. A bar-code tartalmazza egy adott hely(gyors etterem,
> szalloda, szerviz, szallitasi celpont, turista erdekesseg) vagy barmi
mas foldrajzi koordinatait. A kartya a GPS keszulekbe helyezve
megmutatja a vezetonek milyen messze van a celponttol, merre kell menni,
jelzi ha mar 50 meteren belul van es meg sok mas informaciot is
szolgaltat. A nagy autogyartokat egyre jobban erdekli a GPS rendszer es
Szabo Ur talalmanyaval frappans megoldast fognak talalni. A turizmus
szinten oriasi lehetosegeket tartogat e talalmany szamara.A Nemzetkozi
> Szabadalmi Bizottsag velemenye szerint az otlet 350 Millio dollar
ertekkel bir. Egy ilyen nagy hordereju szabadalomnal sok turelemre,
targyalasra es penzre van szukseg. Olyan szemelyeket es cegeket keresunk
> akik reszt vennenek e nagyszeru dolog gyors piacra viteleben es az nem
kallodna sokaig mint annak idelyen pl. a Rubik kocka.
> Bovebb informacioert a kovetkezo szamok hivhatok:
> Szabo mernok ur Budapest, Tel: 284-7777
> Fax: 284-7799
> Torontoban CANAHAM Co. Tel:(416)425-5854
> Fax:(416)425-7951
> E-mail:
> Erdeklodeset elore is koszonjuk.
+ - | Re: He is Risen was: Re: Jews: "Know thyself" (mind) |
Feladó: (cikkei)
References: >
.com> >
Dan K. ) wrote:
: To All:
:I wish all a truly happy Easter on the remembrance day of the Lord's
:Resurrection. It is unbelievable but true that Jesus of Nazareth was
:truly the Son of God and the long awaited Messiah of the Prophets of
Since you posted this on the Jewish newsgroup, where it most
assuredly does not belong, I am compelled to offer a minor correction.
Jesus was not the Messiah, and was not the "Son of God". He was
the bastard son of an adulterous woman, who offended the Romans with his
mutterings and in the end could not even save himself, let alone the
Jewish people, and was nailed on a piece of wood for his efforts. And the
only thing that rises is dough, not your "God-on-a-stick."
I am pleased to have the opportunity to correct your
misimpressions. In the future, if you and your ilk wish to avoid having
your favorite boy Jesus correctly identified, you may wish to avoid
posting such crap on a Jewish newsgroup.
Have a *really* nice day.
+ - | Re: This guy reminds me on Dima (mind) |
Feladó: (cikkei)
In article >,
o-state.edu (Gyorgy Kovacs) says:
>- misogynist (whatever the heck that means)
It means *woman-hater*.
George Szaszvari, DCPS Chess Club, 42 Alleyn Park, London SE21 7AA, UK
Planet Earth, Milky Way Galaxy * Cybernautic address:
C=64 * Independent Commodore Products Users' Group UK * Acorn..RISC OS
IBM..PC-DOS..Win-OS/2 * Interested in s/h chess books? Ask for my list
+ - | Re: uzenet B.A.-nak (mind) |
Feladó: (cikkei)
Gabor Barsai > wrote:
>>Kozeledik az Olimpiasz. Ezzel kapcsolatban kivancsi lennek, kinek fognak
>>drukkolni a magyar
>>kozmopolitak? Del-Amerikai orszagoknak, ahol szepek a nok? Vagy ahol kevesbe
>>fuszeres a
>>koszt? Vagy ebbol ok mar kinottek - senkinek?
>Hmmmmmmmmmmmm...szurkolas egy sport esemenyen es nemzeti erzes
Hmmm ... Erdekes, hogy epp te valaszoltal erre.
>Ennek kb. annyi ertelme van, mint:
>"Ha nem tamogatod a mindenkori magyar kormanyt, nem vagy nemzeti erzesu,
>hiszen a kormany bukasat akarod, es a kormany kepviseli az orszagot."
Hat ez egy eleg rossz hasonlat, ami leginkabb teged talalt el, mivel
osszekevered az orszagot kepviselo olimpiai csapatot a kormannyal.
>Egyebkent mi az a "magyar kozmopolita"? Ugyanaz mint a "liberalbolsevik"?
Ez is egy afele "code word", amit csak a beavatottak ertenek. Te nem
vagy az.
>Nekem nagyon tetszenek a mexikoi nok, es izlik a nagyon csipos mexikoi koszt.
Nem is baj az. Csak az a baj, ha mas nem is erdekel.
+ - | Re: The Witlessness of Gabor Barsai was Re: Hicks, was (mind) |
Feladó: (cikkei)
Brigitta Bali > wrote:
To Barsai:
><yawn> You're witless and unoriginal.<yawn> I hate that in a man.<yawn>
Just remember the old saying about the barking dogs. Gabor's
immature obsession with the same subject can only mean that he seldom
gets any. Lacking it, our fake "Don Juan" likes to talk about it.
+ - | Re: The Witlessness of Gabor Barsai was Re: Hicks, was (mind) |
Feladó: (cikkei)
In article >,
> wrote:
>Brigitta Bali > wrote:
>To Barsai:
>><yawn> You're witless and unoriginal.<yawn> I hate that in a man.<yawn>
>Just remember the old saying about the barking dogs. Gabor's
>immature obsession with the same subject can only mean that he seldom
>gets any. Lacking it, our fake "Don Juan" likes to talk about it.
Joe, you sound like you were never young in the spring time. What else would I
think about? Tell me you never think about it when you're crossing a park full
of women in bikinis.
+ - | Need short- or long-term housing in Budapest? (mind) |
Feladó: (cikkei)
Need help finding a place to stay in Budapest? Twing Real Estate can make
your stay easier by locating apartments, bed and breakfasts, or houses for
either short- or long-term needs. Hungarian speakers may contact the Twing
office in Budapest directly at 361-185-5732. English speakers may contact
Eva at 215-568-6224 (USA) for further information.
+ - | Digital Documents Request (mind) |
Feladó: (cikkei)
I would like to obtain copies of these documents
translated into English and in digital form:
Council of Europe Recommendation 1201
Romanian Education Law
Slovak Law on the Protection of the Republic
I would appreciate any assistance you could provide.
Thank you very much.
| Michael D. Berger | "Above the clouds, the sun always shines." |
| | Csongvay Attila (1940-1993) |
+ - | Looking for Zoltan VAZZ, Ent surgeon from Sagred. (mind) |
Feladó: (cikkei)
I have lost contacts with a friend ZOLtan VAZZ a ear nose throat Physician
from Sagred( spelling may be wrong) .
I met Zoltan in the state of Washington in the Holden village.
Zoltan's father is also a doctor.
My name is Rohan Tissera,MD.
If anybody knows Zoltan ask him to contact me . Thank you very much.
+ - | Peace is not only ... (mind) |
Feladó: (cikkei)
Dear hungarian friends,
as I can see there are many of you who can read and write Hungarian in
this group. I will be leaving for Hungary tomorrow by train and need to
print a paper with the following sentence in Hungarian :
ł Peace is not only possible but inevitable ˛
Please send the answer to my private mailbox as I
won't have time to check this newsgroup ).
Thank you for your help,
Vahid Khamsi
PS: I hope this posting is not
inappropriate in this newsgroup.
+ - | Re: uzenet B.A.-nak (mind) |
Feladó: (cikkei)
In article >,
> wrote:
>Gabor Barsai > wrote:
>>>Kozeledik az Olimpiasz. Ezzel kapcsolatban kivancsi lennek, kinek fognak
>>>drukkolni a magyar
>>>kozmopolitak? Del-Amerikai orszagoknak, ahol szepek a nok? Vagy ahol kevesb
>>>fuszeres a
>>>koszt? Vagy ebbol ok mar kinottek - senkinek?
>>Hmmmmmmmmmmmm...szurkolas egy sport esemenyen es nemzeti erzes
>Hmmm ... Erdekes, hogy epp te valaszoltal erre.
>>Ennek kb. annyi ertelme van, mint:
>>"Ha nem tamogatod a mindenkori magyar kormanyt, nem vagy nemzeti erzesu,
>>hiszen a kormany bukasat akarod, es a kormany kepviseli az orszagot."
>Hat ez egy eleg rossz hasonlat, ami leginkabb teged talalt el, mivel
>osszekevered az orszagot kepviselo olimpiai csapatot a kormannyal.
Miert? Melyik nem kepviseli az orszagot? Ugy tudom, a jelenlegi es az elozo
kormany is szavazas utjan kerult hatalomra.
>>Egyebkent mi az a "magyar kozmopolita"? Ugyanaz mint a "liberalbolsevik"?
>Ez is egy afele "code word", amit csak a beavatottak ertenek. Te nem
>vagy az.
Akkor a beavatottakat kerem, hogy magyarazzak el.
+ - | Re: ki kinek drukkol ... (volt: uzenet B.A.-nak) (mind) |
Feladó: (cikkei)
I was kozmopolitan (back then) when kozmopolitan wasn't cool.... but I
always, always: drukkolok a magyaroknak elosszor.
+ - | [] Biological Debris of Chick Hicks (mind) |
Feladó: (cikkei)
Subject: Dickhead Hicks For Chicks
(Wally Keeler)
:Oh Mothers of the Magyar Nation, which little Magyar Morsel are you most
:proud of having birthed?
:o (Gabor Barsai)
:o Laslo Zvekan >
:o Gyorgy Kovacs )
:o (leslie howard)
:o (Laszlo Horvath)
:Now let's have a second look at these specimens of biological debris:
I've seen more intelligent specimens stuck in the mud flats at low tide.
:After 1000+ years of breeding, the Mothers of the Magyar Nation finally
:gave unto the world these fine men who have been well-taught to respect
:the fecundity of women, to honour the daughters issued forth from the
:suffering wombs of the Magyar Mothers. I can hear all the women of SCM
:applauding with pride as the young Men of the Magyar Nation take care of
:themselves with abandon. These men are the penultimate carriers of
:Hungarian DNA in diaspora. Pity about the chromasome damage though! Better
:luck in the next millenium.
I liked your presentation of their crudeness. I think you indulged in the
crudeness yourself on your subject line. Tsk tsk, but at least you are able
to redeem yourself in the body of your posts.
-- biological debris?
-- chromasome damage?
Their prose is incredibly hackneyed -- probably has more to do with North
American educational standards, but then again, if you are a product of the
same education, then something worked right.
+ - | [] KoVACUOUS is Vertical -- Straight Down (mind) |
Feladó: (cikkei)
(Wally Keeler) wrote:
(Gyorgy Kovacs) wrote:
;|Brigitta Bali > wrote:
(Christina Magyar)
;|>>Gyorgy Kovacs ) wrote:
;|[stuff deleted]
;|>>Just want to clear something up for you guys, ya there are chicks,
;|>>females, women, ladies, or what ever you want to call us reading the
;|>>articles in this section. [stuff deleted]
;|>>Personaly I think this discussion is getting out of hand.
;|>Given the onanistic quality of the male porkers above, I think they
;|>have everything in hand. <laughter> <applause> <cheers>
;|Where in the heck did the 'onanistic quality' come from? What's the base?
; For God's sake! Talk about KoVACUOUS! You're about as bright as a ten
: watt bulb running on a burntout AAA battery. I think, Brigitta, he is
: trying ;now the sincere approach in an attempt to engage you in a serious
: dialogue. Check his hands for callouses first.
He is incapable of serious dialogue. BTW, I like your metaphors and similes
-- a sign of a creative mind. I prefer lateral thinkers to vertical
thinkers. KoVACUOUS is vertical -- straight down.
+ - | [] Gyorgy Kovacs High IQ in spite of all else (mind) |
Feladó: (cikkei)
(Wally Keeler) wrote:
: (Gyorgy Kovacs) wrote:
:|Brigitta Bali > wrote:
: (Christina Magyar)
:|>>Gyorgy Kovacs ) wrote:
:|[stuff deleted]
:|>>Just want to clear something up for you guys, ya there are chicks,
:|>>females, women, ladies, or what ever you want to call us reading the
:|>>articles in this section. [stuff deleted]
:|>>Personaly I think this discussion is getting out of hand.
:|>Given the onanistic quality of the male porkers above, I think they
:|>have everything in hand. <laughter> <applause> <cheers>
:|Where in the heck did the 'onanistic quality' come from? What's the base?
:For God's sake! Talk about KoVACUOUS! You're about as bright as a ten watt
:bulb running on a burntout AAA battery.
You're being a bit too generous Wally. The Energizer Bunny is more quick
witted than GagOrgy KoVACUOUS. However, I do give him his due -- I sense
that he is a man with a high IQ.
:I think, Brigitta, he is trying now the sincere approach in an attempt to
:engage you in a serious dialogue.
Let him try. I much prefer a witty conversation, something with a zest for
life, something rich with images, fresh and original.
:Check his hands for callouses first.
The women's world wide web washroom wall (W6) says his hands are scaley,
with the exception of Friday nights when they are oily. Yech!
+ - | [] Witlessness of Gabor Barsai, The Sequal (mind) |
Feladó: (cikkei)
In article >
(Gabor Barsai) lies:
:In article >,
:Brigitta Bali > lusts:
: (Gabor Barsai) flirts:
:>> OOOOOOOOOhhhhhhhhhh, you're sick. I like that in a woman.
:><yawn> You're witless and unoriginal.<yawn> I hate that in a man.<yawn>
:Such intentional uninterest can only mean one thing: you want me, you old
Regardless, you remain witless </yawn> and unoriginal </yawn>. Read Wally
Keeler's posts -- those have wit and originality. Compared to the freshness of
his posts, your's are as stale as Zsa Zsa Gabor's current complexion.
+ - | [] The Staleness of Gyorgy Kovacs (mind) |
Feladó: (cikkei)
In >
(Gyorgy Kovacs)
:In article >,
:Brigitta Bali > wrote:
: (Gabor Barsai) flirts:
:>>OOOOOOOOOhhhhhhhhhh, you're sick. I like that in a woman.
: (Gyorgy Kovacs)acts dumb:
:>|You mean the ugly gland? ;-)
:>Kovacuous. Wally Keeler is right.
:>Word at the women's dormatory washroom has it that your's is a scrawny
:>chicken neck. KoVACUOUS. Ha ha ha. Now that's a witty play on words --
:>and so effectively appropriate. Good one Wally.
:That was almost funny! Keep up the good work Brigi, with some help you may
:be able to think eventually. You'll be surprised when it happens.
Your comeback was totally bereft of wit; it was as stale as a second-gland
+ - | [] Re: Witlessness of Gabor Barsai, The Sequal (mind) |
Feladó: (cikkei)
In article >,
Brigitta Bali > moans from lust :
>In article >
(Gabor Barsai) lies:
>:In article >,
>:Brigitta Bali > lusts:
>: (Gabor Barsai) flirts:
>:>> OOOOOOOOOhhhhhhhhhh, you're sick. I like that in a woman.
>:><yawn> You're witless and unoriginal.<yawn> I hate that in a man.<yawn>
>:Such intentional uninterest can only mean one thing: you want me, you old
>Regardless, you remain witless </yawn> and unoriginal </yawn>. Read Wally
Regardless? So you do want me...
>Keeler's posts -- those have wit and originality. Compared to the freshness of
>his posts, your's are as stale as Zsa Zsa Gabor's current complexion.
What's it like being a girl? Do you think nature played a cruel trick on you?
If you want originality, watch "Planet of the D-Cups".