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Megrendelés Lemondás
1 Re: translation help!! (mind)  26 sor     (cikkei)
2 Re: Mindent (avagy majdnem) a felújított Web-oldalomon! (mind)  14 sor     (cikkei)
3 Re: California scholars discover language is all Geneti (mind)  15 sor     (cikkei)
4 Re: Antw: Navo is a political dwarf (was Re: Thanks Hu (mind)  31 sor     (cikkei)
5 Re: The Anatomy of a Historical Conflict: Romanian-Hung (mind)  36 sor     (cikkei)
6 ISFA News : LIVE Soccer in the IRC : Premier/Dutch/Arge (mind)  33 sor     (cikkei)
7 Re: Mindent (avagy majdnem) a felújított Web-oldalomon! (mind)  12 sor     (cikkei)
8 WASP Immigration History & Texas Oil Culture (mind)  99 sor     (cikkei)
9 New web page for gypsy Nikki Sandru (mind)  11 sor     (cikkei)
10 Re: Czech Republic, Poland, Slovakia, Hungary, Slovenia (mind)  6 sor     (cikkei)
11 Re: WASP Immigration History & Texas Oil Culture (mind)  8 sor     (cikkei)
12 Re: Lander s "the pope is a Polack" Ethnic Slur (mind)  10 sor     (cikkei)
13 Happy Xmas (mind)  14 sor     (cikkei)
14 Re: recepie for langos (mind)  11 sor     (cikkei)
15 Re: Dead end road to NATO and EU (mind)  30 sor     (cikkei)
16 Call US->Hungary for $0.42/min, flat rate. (mind)  8 sor     (cikkei)
17 Re: California scholars discover language is all Geneti (mind)  18 sor     (cikkei)
18 Re: I want to learn Hungarian...how and where? (mind)  25 sor     (cikkei)
19 Re: Happy Xmas (mind)  16 sor     (cikkei)
20 Re: Mindent (avagy majdnem) a felújított Web-oldalomon! (mind)  20 sor     (cikkei)

+ - Re: translation help!! (mind) VÁLASZ  Feladó: (cikkei)

Hi Jenny ,

I'm a guy originally from Budapest now living in Vancouver Canada.
Let me know if you need some help with this quite difficult language. I bet
learning swedish is just as difficult would be for me as hungarian probably
is for you.

Bye for now 


Borje Lindskog > wrote in article
> Szervusz!!
> I'm studying Hungarian and need help with some sentences.
> Could anyone please help me??
> Nem unatkozik, reggelt'öl estig jön-megy, t'argyal, lapkiad'okba j'ar.
> Rengeteg dolga van, nincs egyetlen szabad perce sem.
> The ' before a vowel means a long vowel.
> Grateful for any help
> Jenny
+ - Re: Mindent (avagy majdnem) a felújított Web-oldalomon! (mind) VÁLASZ  Feladó: (cikkei)

In article >,  > wrote:
 (Gyorgy Kovacs) wrote:
>>Remelem nem hagytad ki a legnagyobb kanadai linket (sokan tudhatjak hogy kire
>>gondolok).   ;->
>Mar megint Mulroney-t piszkalod?!  ;-)))
>Udv,  Dominus
Nem hiszem, hogy arra gondolt.

+ - Re: California scholars discover language is all Geneti (mind) VÁLASZ  Feladó: (cikkei)

Johanne L. Tournier > wrote:

> I think it is an insult to black people to propose
>that they cannot learn standard English and it is disproven as well by
>many blacks in the States who *do* speak beautiful standard English.
>Unfortunately, it is not only among blacks that facility in spoken and
>written English is deteriorating; that is true for younger people of all
>ethnic groups and I think a big part of it is the failure of the schools
>to actually demand that young people learn to speak and write properly. 

This looks like just another attempt at dumming down America by the
liberal establishment, using the lowest common denominator in their
pursuit of an egalitarian society.

+ - Re: Antw: Navo is a political dwarf (was Re: Thanks Hu (mind) VÁLASZ  Feladó: (cikkei)

In article >, 
s.com (T.M.Lutas) writes:
|> In article >,  (Wojtek
|> Rypniewski) wrote:
|> > As far as western Europe is concerned it only stands to gain by admiting
|> > central European countries into it's ranks.  Assuming that NATO is
|> > primarily a military organisation rather than just for talking,
|> > squabbling, dithering and organising courses in molecular biology,
|> > admiting Poland and Hungary to NATO will double NATO's military
|> > potential in Europe. Apart from the Germans and the British, with strong
|> > martial traditions, who else is there in western Europe with enough guts
|> > (not just fancy equippment) or big enough to put up a good fight
|> > if necessary? NATO should snap up countries like Poland and Hungary
|> > while the Poles and the Magyars are still willing.
|> Agreed, though you might want to extend your list to add us poor humble 
|> Romanians. We might be a sleeper on the list but leaving us out in the 
|> cold would be a foolish move. 

OK, you are in. :-)

> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
Wojciech R. Rypniewski		tel: +49-40-89902142
EMBL c/o DESY			fax: +49-40-89902149
Notkestrasse 85			E-mail: 
D-22603 Hamburg, Germany	WWW: http://www.embl-hamburg.de/~Wojtek/
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ - Re: The Anatomy of a Historical Conflict: Romanian-Hung (mind) VÁLASZ  Feladó: (cikkei)

Charles M. Vamossy ) wrote:

: >If we could agree for a common view on this kind of issues it could be
: >an
: >important contribution to an "ideology of reconciliation".
: > 
: >In my opnion if we don't tackle those sensitive issues we will not
: >have
: >a healthy base on which to build a new Romanian-Hungarian
: >relationship.
: >And the recent momentum will be simply a "momentum" that will rapidly
: >vanish.
: > 
: >Regards,
: > 
: >Cristian Alb
: > 
: > 
: While I don't disagree about the necessity of a discussion on
: Transylvania's past, it would be perhaps more productive to discuss the
: present and the future.

Hi Charles,

I got a similar reaction on Romanian_Lobby list.
So maybe you are right. It is better to concentrate on
the present and the future. If this is possible without 
tackling sensitive issues of the past it would be great.

: We cannot change the past, just learn from it. 
: The future is still our to mold.

You are right.
I wish to everybody Merry Christmas and Happy New Year !

Cristian Alb
+ - ISFA News : LIVE Soccer in the IRC : Premier/Dutch/Arge (mind) VÁLASZ  Feladó: (cikkei)

Hi : we have a preety full schedule this weekend with plenty of LIVE Soccer in 
the IRC ! We have action from several Leagues arround the Globe :

1) Nottingham Forest vs Arsenal - IRC #arsenal (Undernet) Premier League

2) Celtic vs Dundee Utd - IRC #celticgame (DALnet) Scottish Premier

3) Sevilla vs Real Betis - IRC #futbol_mundial (Undernet) Spanish League

4) Independiente vs River Plate - IRC #futbol_mundial (Undernet) Argentinian 

5) Manchester Utd vs Sunderland - IRC #manunited (DALNET) Premier League

6) Ajax vs PSV - IRC #soccer (Undernet) Dutch League


For full details :

1) IRC Soccer Homepage : http://www.isfa.com/irc.html

2) IRC Soccer Calendar : http://ww.isfa.com/irc/calendar.html

Cheers and see you in the IRC !!!
ISFA Administrator
Winning is a state of mind.
Internet Soccer Fans Association (ISFA):
+ - Re: Mindent (avagy majdnem) a felújított Web-oldalomon! (mind) VÁLASZ  Feladó: (cikkei)

 (Gyorgy Kovacs) wrote:

>>    - kanadai linkek (ugyancsak messzemenöek)
>Remelem nem hagytad ki a legnagyobb kanadai linket (sokan tudhatjak hogy kire 
>gondolok).   ;->

>>Szabó Attila

Mar megint Mulroney-t piszkalod?!  ;-)))
Udv,  Dominus
+ - WASP Immigration History & Texas Oil Culture (mind) VÁLASZ  Feladó: (cikkei)


   census of i880, is there more than seventy per cent of Hun-
        By this time it will have been noted that Hungary is by
   no means solidly Magyar.          Only about four tenths of the
   17,500,000 inhabitants of the monarchy are of this nation-
   ality.t  This minority, to be sure, outnumbers the total of the
   Germans, Slovaks, and Roumanians combined, but it is still
   a minority nevertheless.       There are two good reasonS ~hy
   these people are entitled to rule; for, of course, we assume
   it to be a                       a hical proposition that but one
   single political unit should abide in t ~s Danubian plain.          It
   one of the most clearly defined areas of characterization in
   Europe.    The prior claim in behalf of Magyar sovereignty is
   based upon numerical preponderance.            This        is becoming
   strengthened ~ y, or it is certain that the Magyar
   speech is gaining ground more rapidly than any of its com-
   petitors.  This is partly because the Hungarians are increas-
   ing faster than the other peoples about them.             It is also
   in a meastire to the adoption of the official language by many
   who are of foreign birth;' The second reason why the Magyars
   are entitled to rule all Hungary is because these people seem
   to be pre-eminent intellectually;     They form the large mass
   of the city populations, the Slavs being natural cultivators of
   the soil.  The liberal professions seem to be recruited from           
the Magvars also in the main.~             Our data are drawn from
2! Hungarian statistics, which naturally would not underestimate
   the abilitv of their own nationalitv.      Even making due allow-      
      ~ I
   ance for this, their representation iti the intellectual classes       
   is verv marked.     Certainly no better title to sovereignty could
   be urged.
     * Jekelfalussy  1.~85. The census of t89() shows the same relative
corn-  ~
   pactoess o( the Serbo-Croatians, although for some reason the percent-
   ages are considerably lower.  Jekeifalussy 1897. p. 4t7.
     + Jekeifalussy, 1897, p.417, gives census returns for 1890.  The pro-
   portions are as follo'vs  Hungarians, 42.8 per cent      Germans, 12.1
   cent;  Slovaks, [1 per cent   ~Vallachs, 14.9 per cent    Ruthenians,
   per cent ; Croats, 9 per cent ; Servians, 6.i per cent.  This, of
course, is
   for Hungary alone, not `or the Austro~Hungarian Empire.
     ~ C!. Jekelfalussy    1897, p.418, and Auerbach I89~, p.252.

               430                THE RACES OF  UROPE.

 to touch the political boundaries of tile kingdom which bears
  their name.*  Our map illustrates this peculiar relation.    The
  various nationalities are indeed disposed, as Auerbach (`95) sug-
 *gests, as if in order of battle, the Magyars in a state of siege
   beset upon all sides.  This dominant people are principally
 *compacted about the historic city of Buda-Pesth in a more
   or less solid mass.  In upon them from every side press rival
  languages and peoples.   The Slovaks to the north are both
  numerous and united.   Moravia, it will be remembered, was
  conquered by the Magyars only through the co-operation of
 the Germans.  More than half of the population in the entire
 eastern half of the ~nonarchy are Roumanians or Wallachs.
 These people have, as our map shows, penetrated so far into
 Hungary as to cut off a considerable area of Magyar speech in
 Transylvania (Siebenbu'~rgen) from the great body of the nation
 about Buda-Pesth.    A number of connecting islets of Hun-
 garian survivals still exist between the two.        This is proof
 positive that the Roumanians have come in later than the
  first Magyar possession, submerging their language and cus-
 toms thereby.
   The Transylvanian Magyars on the slopes of the Carpa-
 thians are known as Szeklcrs, or `~ borderers," although we
 are disposed to think that it is the western Hungarians ~vho are
 really best entitled to that name.        At all events, this eastern
 group, though smaller, is far more compact.         The main body
 of the nation in the west is interpenetrated by multitudes of
 colonists from the outside, especially by the Germans.      As for
 the Serbo-Croatians, who have encroached upon Hungarian
  territory from the south, they seem, unlike the Germans, to
 form a coherent and clannish people.         Almost nine tenths of
 the population ill many places within the limits of the Serbo-
 Croatian langtlage are in reality of this nationality.      In
 single Magyar district, on the bther hand, according to the
   * On the demography of Hungary consult especially the offl~al corn-
   pendium published in English, The Millennium of Hungar'y and its
   People, edited by Jekelfalussy, Buda-Pesth, 1897  AuerbaW, Les Races
  et Nationalit~s en Autriche~Hongrie, Paris,                  Hun-
  falvy, 1877 and i88r, is a classic authority.

macZugaKausT  cat3wog   A3ce2   NA2OP   R3
http://home.aol.com/WASPnot (WASP's anti-WOG Immigration History)
http://home.aol.com/SalaryPlan (WASP's anti-WOG Glass/Iron Ceiling)
http://members.aol.com/HistoryNOT (History WASPs want to Censor)
http://members.aol.com/WaspWatch (Texaco's Shredded Documents)
http://members.aol.com/UofHKausT ( Big Six SPC Confidential Secrets)
+ - New web page for gypsy Nikki Sandru (mind) VÁLASZ  Feladó: (cikkei)

Readers of this newsgroup are advised that the Turkish/Romanian gypsy Nikki
Sandru has a new, updated web page at:




which completely explains his "waist long brown hair" (cutie-cooh), his
homosexuality, and his propensity to forge.
+ - Re: Czech Republic, Poland, Slovakia, Hungary, Slovenia (mind) VÁLASZ  Feladó: (cikkei)

 wrote in article >...
> Hi
> Please look at:
> http://www.centraleurope.com
+ - Re: WASP Immigration History & Texas Oil Culture (mind) VÁLASZ  Feladó: (cikkei)

WASPnot ) writes:
> http://home.aol.com/WASPnot (WASP's anti-WOG Immigration History)
> http://home.aol.com/SalaryPlan (WASP's anti-WOG Glass/Iron Ceiling)
> http://members.aol.com/HistoryNOT (History WASPs want to Censor)
> http://members.aol.com/WaspWatch (Texaco's Shredded Documents)
> http://members.aol.com/UofHKausT ( Big Six SPC Confidential Secrets)

racist crap!!!!
+ - Re: Lander s "the pope is a Polack" Ethnic Slur (mind) VÁLASZ  Feladó: (cikkei)

WASPnot ) writes:
> Ann Lander s  the pope is a Polack  Ethnic Slur
> http://home.aol.com/WASPnot (WASP's anti-WOG Immigration History)
> http://home.aol.com/SalaryPlan (WASP's anti-WOG Glass/Iron Ceiling)
> http://members.aol.com/HistoryNOT (History WASPs want to Censor)
> http://members.aol.com/WaspWatch (Texaco's Shredded Documents)
> http://members.aol.com/UofHKausT ( Big Six SPC Confidential Secrets)

Your entire postings are ethnic slurs. Want to debate it out with a
purebred "WASP"?????
+ - Happy Xmas (mind) VÁLASZ  Feladó: (cikkei)

Hi you all from Barcelona!

I would like to know how to write Happy Xmas in your own language.

I would be very,very pleased of knowing from you. So Let me thank you in 

In Catalan it is said Bon Nadal i Bones Festes.



PS.:I add you my e-mail: 
+ - Re: recepie for langos (mind) VÁLASZ  Feladó: (cikkei)

In article >, aheringer > wrote:
>Itt a magyar templomban aruljak vasarnap a friss 
>langost, ahova en ugyan nem jarok, de vannak barataim, akik igen, es 
>hoztak nekem tobbszor.  Egyszer mar en is kiprobaltam es a kanadai 
>unokaimnak igencsak izlett.

Hat akkor magamnak kell kikiserleteznem. ;-)  Gondolom eloszor a
"thick crust" tipussal probalkozom.

+ - Re: Dead end road to NATO and EU (mind) VÁLASZ  Feladó: (cikkei)

Ladies and Gentlemen:
Meet the Slovak Funar-wannabe:

Igor GAZDIK > wrote:
>#In article >,  
>#>My feelings exactly!  What is especially ironic about this is that
>>#between the Romanians and the Slovaks, I thought the Slovaks would be
>#>#easier to get along.  
>	i agree with you.   it is easy (perhaps too easy) to get
>	along with slovaks.   but who has ever been able to get along
>	with hungarians?
>"Mainly for reasons of history and similarity of
>	you are not serious, are you?   it was that "history" that 
>	brought the perpetual hungarian loosers into the gutter.
>	similarity of culture?   you must be kidding again, or see
>	some visions nobody else can see.
>"But politicians can make more difference, I guess.
>	if you mean the hungarian neo-nazis, the answer is a loud yesss.


Joe Pannon
+ - Call US->Hungary for $0.42/min, flat rate. (mind) VÁLASZ  Feladó: (cikkei)

Call Hungary from US for $0.42/min, flat rate. 
No need to change your long-distance carrier.

800 number access + CALLING CARD (not prepaid) with the same 
international rates (US domestic rate is 19 cpm). No surcharges. 

For details, email 
or visit http://www.angelfire.com/biz/telco
+ - Re: California scholars discover language is all Geneti (mind) VÁLASZ  Feladó: (cikkei)

WASPnot > wrote:
>California scholars discover language is all GENETIC!
>Recently accepted and approved in California is the scientific
>premise that all language skills are genetic -  hard wired  and
>Africans cannot be expected to function in English since their
>brains are wired differently than the English brain.
>Africans will now be entitled to government money to study
>English in their own language - something called Ebonics.

I was just about to dismiss this post as another product of a lunatic,
when I a piece about the California "Ebonics" came up on the ABC Evening
News, though without any genetic connotation.

Only in America!

+ - Re: I want to learn Hungarian...how and where? (mind) VÁLASZ  Feladó: (cikkei)

HI - My name is Jan Bocskai.

I am first generation Italian, married to a Hungarian who also was a
Freedom Fighter, like your dad.  I respect your interest in the language
and, I might add, Hungarian culture is very interesting and colorful.  You
have a lot to be proud of!

 I was formerly with an airline and had the opportunity to spend some time
with John's family to "digest' the language.  There are English/Hungarian
Dictionaries and Hungarian/English Dictionaires sold primarily in
Budapest, Vaci Ut., a very popular walking street (closed to car traffic).
They are helpful, but dictionaries do not resolve the problem entirely.   

Check into:
Contact the Educational Services Corp.  1725 K St, NW /Suite 408,
Washington D.C.  20006  Tele 202-29808424.   

I obtained a very basic elementary introductory audio-tape "Language 30"
from them some time ago.  They also have more comprehensive learning tapes

Please let me know how you progress and good luck in your search.

Jan and John
+ - Re: Happy Xmas (mind) VÁLASZ  Feladó: (cikkei)

aheringer wrote:

> Kellemes karacsonyi unnepeket kivanok.
> Feliz navidad et prospero ano nuevo Xavier!
> Agnes

Koszonom, Agi, elfelejtettem, hogyan mondjŕk magyarul (francia vagyok).

Malgasul :

Arahaba tratry ny Krisimŕsy sy taom-baovao.

Dominique Dumont
+ - Re: Mindent (avagy majdnem) a felújított Web-oldalomon! (mind) VÁLASZ  Feladó: (cikkei)

In article >,  
>In article >,  > 
 (Gyorgy Kovacs) wrote:
>>>Remelem nem hagytad ki a legnagyobb kanadai linket (sokan tudhatjak 
hogy kire 
>>>gondolok).   ;->
>>Mar megint Mulroney-t piszkalod?!  ;-)))
>>Udv,  Dominus
>Nem hiszem, hogy arra gondolt.

Dehogynem.  Ki masra?  Agnes