1. |
Great news: you can easily immigrate into Canada (mind) |
118 sor |
(cikkei) |
2. |
Re: OBJECTION: CFV: soc.culture.hungarian (mind) |
19 sor |
(cikkei) |
3. |
Re: voting on usenet (mind) |
30 sor |
(cikkei) |
4. |
Re: OBJECTION: CFV: soc.culture.hungarian (mind) |
34 sor |
(cikkei) |
5. |
Re: voting on usenet (mind) |
4 sor |
(cikkei) |
6. |
21 sor |
(cikkei) |
7. |
HELP: How to get in touch with... (mind) |
20 sor |
(cikkei) |
+ - | Great news: you can easily immigrate into Canada (mind) |
Feladó: (cikkei)
My husband and I have successfully got our permanent residence in Canada
within 6 months through KELET MICHTINA, which is a Canadian immigration
consulting firm. They provide very good quality of service, however their
service charge is quite cheap.
I'd like to take this chance to encourge you to apply also. As the second
biggest country in the world, Canada just has a population of 28 million.
Most of the people are living in the southern part of the country, in
which the climate is not as cold as you may think. In fact, the climate of the
southern region is somehow like that of Beijing or New York. It's very safe
to live in Canada. In addition, the Canadian government gives good benefits
to permanent residents such as free health insureance.
No matter where you are living in the world such as China, Europe, Australia,
or Africa,etc., you can successfully immigrate to Canada within a very short
time just as us if you have a bachelor degree, one year of working experience,
and good capability of English or French. You don't need to wait
for a long time and work hard for "green card" as in some country.
Currently, Canadian government implements a very open immigration policy.
You can stay in the country where you are now and apply for permanent
residence. Actually, the canadian government has a strange regulation,
which says that you must be outside of the country in order to get
permanent residence visa.
Last year there were more than 200,000 immigrants into Canada. They formulate
a very strong productivity force to further develop Canadian economic. The
current job market has good demands in almost every major.
If you are interested, you may fill out the attached form which is given
by KELET MICHTINA. They will evaluate your case free of charge.
If you pass their preliminary assessment, they will assist you to
apply formally.
Good luck and best wishes
------------------Please cut from here------------------------------------
Preliminary Application Forms for Permanent Residence in Canada
Your name: _____________________________
Date of birth: _________________________
Nationality: ___________________________
Address: _______________________________ (street, or P.O. Box)
_______________________________ (city, province or state, zip code)
_______________________________ (country)
Phone: _________________________
Fax: _________________________
EDUCATION (post high school):
1. attending dates: _________________________________
2. school:___________________________________________
3. major: ___________________________________________
4. degree or certificate: ___________________________
1. attending dates: _________________________________
2. school: __________________________________________
3. major: ___________________________________________
4. degree or certificate: ___________________________
1. attending dates: _________________________________
2. school: __________________________________________
3. major: ___________________________________________
4. degree or certificate: ___________________________
1. years (from / to): _______________________________
2. employer: ________________________________________
3. address: _________________________________________
4. duties: __________________________________________
5. position: ________________________________________
1. years (from / to): _______________________________
2. employer: ________________________________________
3. address: _________________________________________
4. duties: __________________________________________
5. position: ________________________________________
1. years (from / to): _______________________________
2. employer: ________________________________________
3. address: _________________________________________
4. duties: __________________________________________
5. position: ________________________________________
ENGLISH or FRENCH LANGUAGE CAPABILITY (Please select by crossing):
ENGLISH speak read write FRENCH speak read write
fluent O O O fluent O O O
well O O O well O O O
with difficulty O O O with difficulty O O O
not at all O O O not at all O O O
MARITAL STATUS (please circle)
1. single 2. married 3. divorce 4. separation
_____ (age 19 or over); ________ (age under 19)
Do you have a relative in Canada (please select)?
O Yes (please specify the relationship)
O No
After you complete above form, please forward it by mail or fax to:
Kelet Michtina L.L.C.
14 Easton Avenue #258
New Brunswick, NJ 08901
Fax: 1-(908)699-1699
---------------------End of the form-------------------------------------
p.s. You may email your completed form to me. I'll help you forward it to them.
+ - | Re: OBJECTION: CFV: soc.culture.hungarian (mind) |
Feladó: (cikkei)
George Antony > wrote:
>Would someone have a primer on democracy handy, in particular a good
>explanation of the one person-one vote principle.
>If so, kindly send a copy to Mr Gotthard Saghi-Szabo who, in his frustration
>over having only the same say in a democratic process as anyone else, is
>trying to sabotage the whole process.
I am sure, in the same document one can find the chapter
about "having different oppinion and being allowed to promote it".
If so, probably that would come handy to George too, just to clear
out his confusion over the difference between "disagreement" and "sabotage" .
Thanks from me too,
personal email :
Hungarian-American list :
WWW : http://www.glue.umd.edu/~gotthard
+ - | Re: voting on usenet (mind) |
Feladó: (cikkei)
Andras Kornai > wrote:
>So Gottha1rd is frustrated like hell that his arguments don't get the same
>hearing as those of the proponent. Well, they don't, and for Gottha1rd to
>change this situation is next to impossible. (Especially as Zoli plays by
>Usenet rules while Gottha1rd seems to be less than perfectly familiar with
>the setup.) So flame on, but please try to make s.c.m the primary locus of
>the debate -- those reading HUNGARY (many without Usenet access) might not
>be so interested, and anyway no new arguments pro or con are being made.
Andras, nobody is really frustrated, I hope.
Zoli is making the USENET community to vote on a USENET group name,
and fortunately not on the usage of our mother-tongue in Hungary.
If you know the rules of USENET, in case the proponent follows them,
you figure, the only thing you can do, is be as loud
and as often as you can. If you know any better, please, let me know.
All of you, even Gyuri Antony, has the same option.
Also, all of you have the right to speak out
if you think USENET procedures are not just
(unless one shares some of the soc.culture.magyar
group's contributors' irresistable urge to conform).
Otherwise you are right, Zoli is conducting the vote
according to USENET rules - although, the outcome of the
vote, fortunately, is not a grade on Zoli's ability
to conduct it properly.
personal email :
Hungarian-American list :
WWW : http://www.glue.umd.edu/~gotthard
+ - | Re: OBJECTION: CFV: soc.culture.hungarian (mind) |
Feladó: (cikkei)
Dear Gotthard,
George A. overstated the case a bit - what you tried is 'obstruct'
more like than 'sabotage'. But his frustration is understandable, for he
knows what you don't seem to: what the cancellation of the CFV, what you
called for, would've meant. It's you single-handedly holding up the vote
for more than half a year (a new RFD is not allowed for six months, then
you want to go through the same motions we already have). Denying the
voters' opportunity to cast their vote has nothing to do with being
allowed to promote your opinion, which you already are.
The attempt is analogous to trying to halt an election after the polling
stations are opened, and demand postponement until the wording of the
ballot meets your approval. Since your chances of pulling it off are nil,
this is nothing but a little more FUD in the finish of the campaign...
On 5 May 1995, Gotthard Saghi-Szabo wrote:
> George Antony > wrote:
> >Would someone have a primer on democracy handy, in particular a good
> >explanation of the one person-one vote principle.
> >
> >If so, kindly send a copy to Mr Gotthard Saghi-Szabo who, in his frustration
> >over having only the same say in a democratic process as anyone else, is
> >trying to sabotage the whole process.
> I am sure, in the same document one can find the chapter
> about "having different oppinion and being allowed to promote it".
> If so, probably that would come handy to George too, just to clear
> out his confusion over the difference between "disagreement" and "sabotage" .
Zoli , finger for the charter of s.c.h
# Wallace Sayre said, "Academic politics is the most vicious and bitter
# form of politics, because the stakes are so low." He didn't know
# Usenet: welcome to the next level. (Ron "Asbestos" Dippold)
+ - | Re: voting on usenet (mind) |
Feladó: (cikkei)
Let me repeat, for one last time, on the odd chance that someone may
still believe the opposite: I am not conducting the vote.
Zoli , finger for the charter of s.c.h
+ - | VIDEOS WANTED TV NYC (mind) |
Feladó: (cikkei)
> ======================================================================== 20
Contemporary works of all media, any genre, on video sought for eclectic
arts television program in Manhattan (1 hour weekly, 3 years running).
Email for details or send submissions to:
POB 299
NYC 10276 212.802.9573
Foreign video formats accepted.
z A63CC CUNYVM 5/05/95
5/05/95 No subject
+ - | HELP: How to get in touch with... (mind) |
Feladó: (cikkei)
Hi everyone,
Does anyone know how to get in touch (e-mail, snail-mail, ...) with
any of the following:
- Presser Gabor
- Hungarton (<-spelling?!)
- anyone else that knows where to get the album
'Electromantic' by Presser Gabor
Thanks in advance,
| Nick O. Savoiu / Snoware, Co. | |
+----------------------------+--+ This space for rent by owner! |
| +-----------------------------------------+
| | My homepage: http://www.mordor.com/nick |