Hollosi Information eXchange /HIX/
Copyright (C) HIX
Új cikk beküldése (a cikk tartalma az író felelőssége)
Megrendelés Lemondás
1 HTML tag, vagy Java Script? (mind)  34 sor     (cikkei)
2 kerdes trumpetrol (mind)  17 sor     (cikkei)
3 CGI ismerteto II. resz (mind)  189 sor     (cikkei)
4 Re: CGI dolgok (mind)  32 sor     (cikkei)

+ - HTML tag, vagy Java Script? (mind) VÁLASZ  Feladó: (cikkei)

Hello Mindenkinek!

Meg uj vagyok ezen a listan, szoval elore is elnezest, ha valami olyat tapaszta
ltok a levelemben, amit nem illik, de lenne egy kerdesem, es nem tudok par hete
t ra varni.

Hogyan lehet azt megcsinalni, hogy ha az egeret raviszem egy kepre (mondjuk, am
i egy link is egyben), akkor a kep megvaltozzon, es egy masikat toltson be hely
ette (altalaban kifenyesedik, vagy ha egy kapcsolot abrazolt, akkor az atkapcso
lodik, stb...)! Mar sok helyen lattam ilyet, de most amikor kene, egy sem akar 
a szemem ele kerulni (amitol pedig az otletet kaptam, az az oldal meg idokozben
 megszunt :-)). Gyanitom, hogy ezt a hatast egy Java Script csinalja, nem pedig
 egy egyszeru HTML tag, szoval ha valaki birtokaban van az ezzel kapcsolatos tu
dasnak, akkor nagyon megkoszonnem, ha elkuldene a cimemre az infot:


                                  Bacsó Márton
                                Budapest - 1021
                          Bölöni György utca 12.
                       Hungary / Magyarország
              T.:2009131 Fax.:2009131(modem)
         Universal Internet Number (UIN): 867814
        I am a member of: The HTML Writers Guild
> --------------------------------------------------------------------
+ - kerdes trumpetrol (mind) VÁLASZ  Feladó: (cikkei)

Nagyon orultem az Internet Kalauz juniusi szamaban megjelent Netscape
beallitasi cikknek, amely a trumpet hasznalatat mutatja be. Am mikor
felkerestem a megadott cimet, ahonnan le lehet tolteni a programot
(ftp://jazz.trumpet.com.au/), megjelent jonehany konyvtar, s ott megallt a
tudomanyom. Az az igazsag, hogy egyszer mar majdnem letoltottem, csak 99
szazaleknal lefagyott. Most odaig sem sikerult eljutnom.

Ha valaki megirna, pontosan honnan, melyik file-t kell leszedni, nagyon
megkoszonnem stb.

Valaszokat a webmesterben es cimemen ) fogadok.

                   (Oszinte) tisztelettel:

                                      Eisler Kornel
+ - CGI ismerteto II. resz (mind) VÁLASZ  Feladó: (cikkei)

Itt a folytatas:

- Masodik resz -

Content File

For requests which have attached data, the server makes the
data available to the CGI program by putting it into this file. The
of this item is the complete pathname of that file.

Server Software

The name and version of the information server software answering
the request (and running the CGI program). Format: name/version.

Server Name

The network host name or alias of the server, as needed 
for self-referencing URLs. This (in combination with the ServerPort)
could be used to manufacture a full URL to the server, for URL fixups.
This may vary if the server supports multi-homing. The value of this
item must be the host name on which the current request was received.

Server Port

Tne network port number on which the server is listening. This 
is also needed for self-referencing URLs.

Server Admin

The e-mail address of the server's administrator. This is used
in error messages, and might be used to send MAPI mail to the 
administrator, or to form "mailto:" URLs in generated documents.

CGI Version

The revision of the CGI specification to which this server complies.
Format: CGI/revision. For this version, "CGI/1.2 (Win)". 

Remote Host

The network host name of the client (requestor) system, if
available. This item is used for logging.

Remote Address

The network (IP) address of the client (requestor) system. This item
is used for logging if the host name is not available.

Authentication Method

The protocol-specific authentication method specified in the
request. If present, this is normally Basic. The 
server must provide this whether or not it was used by the server
for authentication.

Authentication Realm

The method-specific authentication realm specified in the request.
If present in the request, the server must provide this whether or not
it was used by the server for authentication.

Authenticated Username

The username (in the indicated realm) that the client used to 
attempt authentication, as specified in the request. If present in the
request, the server must provide this whether or not it was used by the
server for authentication.

Authenticated Password

The password that the client used to 
attempt authentication, as specified in the request. If present in the
request, the server must provide this whether or not it was used by the
server for authentication. 

The [Accept] Section

This section contains the client's
acceptable data types found in the request header as 

Accept: type/subtype {parameters}

If the parameters (e.g., "q=0.100") are present, they are passed as the
value of the item. If there are no parameters, the value is "Yes".

Note: The accept types may easily be enumerated by the CGI program with
a call to GetPrivateProfileString() with NULL for the key name. This
returns all of the keys in the section as a null-delimited string with a
double-null terminator.

The [System] Section

This section contains items that are specific to the Windows
implementation of CGI. The following keys are used: 

GMT Offset

The number of seconds to be added to GMT time to reach
local time. For pacific Standard time, this number is -28,800. Useful
for computing GMT times.

Debug Mode

This is No unless the server's "CGI/script tracing"
mode is enabled, then it is Yes. Useful for providing
conditional tracing within the CGI program.

Output File

The full path/name of the file in which the 
server expects to receive the CGI program's results.

Content File

The full path/name of the file that contains the content (if any) that
came with the request. 

The [Extra Headers] Section

This section contains the "extra" headers
that were included with the request, in "key=value" form. The server
must URL-unescape both the key and the value prior to writing them to
the CGI data file.

Note: The extra headers may easily be enumerated by the CGI program with
a call to GetPrivateProfileString() with NULL for the key name. This
returns all of the keys in the section as a null-delimited string with a
double-null terminator.

The [Form Literal] Section

If the request is an HTTP POST from an HTTP form (with content type of
application/x-www-form-urlencoded or 
multipart/form-data), the server will decode the form 
data and put it into the [Form Literal] section.

For URL-encoded form data, raw form input is of the form 
"key=value&key=value&...", with the value
parts in url-encoded format. The server splits the key=value pairs
at the '&', then splits the key and value at the '=', url-decodes
value string, and puts the result into key=(decoded)value form in the
[Form Literal] section.

For multipart form data, raw form input is in a MIME-style multipart
format, with each field in a separate part. The server extracts the
field namd and value from each part and puts the result into key=value
form in the [Form Literal] section.

If the form contains any SELECT MULTIPLE elements, there
will be multiple occurrences of the same key. In this case, the server
generates a normal "key=value" pair for the first occurrence, and it
appends a sequence number to subsequent occurrences. It is up to the
CGI program to know about this possibility and to properly recognize
the tagged keys.

The [Form External] Section

If the decoded value string is more than 254 characters long, or if the
decoded value string contains any control characters or double-quotes,
the server puts the decoded value into an external tempfile and lists
the field into the [Form External] section as:

 key=pathname length

where pathname is the path and name of the tempfile containing
the decoded value string, and length is the length in bytes
of the decoded value string.

Note: Be sure to open this file in binary mode unless you are
certain that the form data is text!

- Vege a masodik resznek - 

			Mark G. Horvath

	E-mail: 	HorvathM2 @cle.dnet.ge.com
	Web server: 	http://www.Cyber-Dreams.Netopia.com/
+ - Re: CGI dolgok (mind) VÁLASZ  Feladó: (cikkei)

> Temakor: CGI ismerteto I. resz ( 186 sor )
> Sziasztok Webmesterek,
> Koszonom leveleiteket. Ne legyetek elkeseredve ha meg nem kaptatok
> valaszt
> mindenkire sor jut.
> Sajnos a sorlimit miatt 3 reszben kell elkuldenem az ismertetot. 

Hat nem akarok gecizni, de ennek most mi ertelme van?! Ha te irtad az 
egeszet, akkor sorry, de akkor meg miert nem magyarul van? Ha meg nem 
te irtad, akkor valoszinuleg egy URL-rol szedted le, mennyivel lett 
volna bonyolultabb kozolni azt a cimet, es kesz. Igy akit nem erdekel 
a dolog, azt is harom reszen at bombazod a 200 soros leveleiddel.
Egyebkent mar azt hiszem kb. harmadszor irom le ezen a listan a 
http://www.cgi-resources.com cimet, ahol _RENGETEG_ CGI doksi, 
peldaprogram, stb. cime ossze van gyujtve, kategorikus, keresheto, 
stb. Es en sem akarom a kezdoket szivatni, de aki egy "Mi az a CGI" 
kerdest tesz fel igy direktben egy Webmester listan, az szerintem 
minimum elobb olvassa el az archivumot, mert tobben IMHO eleg jo 
bevezetoket irtunk mar, magyarul, erthetoen, tele linkekkel.
Meg egyszer hangsulyozom, NEM a kerdessel van a bajom, hanem 
azzal, hogy lassan ott tartunk, hogy hetente felteszi vki., es 
eleg unalmas dolog ugyanazt 3-4szer leirni.

_______________ _ _  _  _  _
Sza'sz Pe'ter\-_\ /_/-'\-_\-________________________
Emergency mail:  or 
> ----------------------------------------------------